We think you are located in Sample of magnetite, naturally occurring Fe₃O₄ [Wikimedia] These sub­stances are wide­ly used in in­dus­try and oth­er fields. Here is a simple diagram showing the experimental setup with the clamp holding the test tube upright. The products are all metal oxides. We are operating on this level: (Macroscopic/submicroscopic/symbolic). Is this correct? Can you write two examples? A metal alloy is a solid mixture of two or more different metal elements. In this chemical equation, Fe represents iron and O represents oxygen. Remind learners of where else they have heard the term 'corrosive' used before in Matter and Materials. Learners may hear the crackling sound of the steel wool burning. Afterwards we will write about these reactions using 'scientific language' as we write reaction equations for each one. Fill in the examples of the metals that you studied in this chapter. Once again, the writing of chemical equations will be scaffolded by the process of starting with a word equation (macroscopic representation) and progressing through a picture equation (submicroscopic representation) to end at the chemical equation (symbolic representation). The oxidation reaction of iron and oxygen to form the substance that is commonly called rust occurs according to this equation: 4Fe + 3O2 = 2Fe2O3. 10-12, they will be able to use this information to write the formulas of compounds. im a chemistry wiz bro Magnesium is group 2, iron is group 8 and copper is group 11. It will greatly accelerate combustion. Learners may notice a metallic smell in the air. Is there something present that is aiding or speeding up the reaction? Rusting also happens more quickly in the presence of acids. However, iron and rust (iron oxide) are completely different materials and therefore have different properties. They all have 'oxide' in their name. Lastly, give two examples of metals that you learnt about in this chapter which do not rust. for now though, this is sufficient. Your teacher will demonstrate, while you make observations. Let's imagine we have manufactured something out of iron. chemical equation for water- H2O chemical equation for oxygen- O2when water, oxygen and iron comes in contact the process of rusting occurs. The content has also been presented in a slightly different order to CAPS in that the example reactions are first explored, and then the general reaction of metals with oxygen is explained, once learners have already seen example chemical equations. (Note that this is about halfway between iron(III) hydroxide, Fe(OH) 3 or ½{Fe 2 O 3 •3H 2 O], and anhydrous Fe 2 O 3). Rust is a form of iron oxide and it forms slowly when iron is exposed to air. To fill the flask with oxygen, run a rubber hose from the regulator into the bottom of the flask with the stopper resting lightly on top. Under wet conditions iron will rust more quickly. Do you know what steel wool is? Rust forms when iron or its alloys are exposed to moist air. Examples are steel and brass. If you would like to read more about whay apples turn brown to explain this to your learners in more detail, visit this website: http://humantouchofchemistry.com/why-do-cut-apples-turn-brown.htm. You can also mix the product in water at this stage and test if it is an acid or base. If you are not convinced of this, find them on the Periodic Table below in the front of your book. The rusting of iron is actually a good example of the process of corrosion. Exercise caution when burning the steel wool, as sparks may be produced. The chemical equation for the reaction between calcium and oxygen is: What is the product called in this reaction? It looks like hair made of metal. A metal oxide has the the general formula MO or M2O. This is a very versatile demonstration. This is denoted by “.xH2O". Rust forms on the surface of an iron or steel object, when that surface comes into contact with oxygen. Demonstrating, observing, recording, describing. The oxygen and water in air react with the metal to form the hydrated oxide. A lot of instructors like to use it when they are talking about the factors that affect the rates of reactions. It is then placed in a large Erlenmeyer flask containing pure oxygen. We can go further and translate the picture equation for the reaction between magnesium and oxygen to a chemical equation: 2 Mg + O 2 → 2 MgO. Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. It may be worth setting up this experiment at the start of this section. Write the chemical equation and word equation for this reaction underneath the picture equation. This is what a cutting torch does. Look at the Periodic Table at the front of the book, pick any two metals from group 1 and write their formulae using this rule. Students can examine the reaction product afterwards to formulate their observations. Fill this into the concept map. Rust is a word to describe the flaky, crusty, reddish-brown product that forms on iron when it reacts with oxygen in the air. Any two of the following: Li2O, Na2O, K2O, Rb2O, Cs2O. 2.) Now we will write an unbalanced equation, keeping in mind that molecular oxygen( O 2) is used: Fe + O 2 ==> Fe 2 O 3. Caution learners not to look directly at the intense white flame produced by the burning magnesium. Here is a picture of iron oxide to remind you what it looked like. When iron is exposed to oxygen in the air, a similar reaction occurs, but much more slowly. Your teacher will demonstrate the combustion of magnesium in oxygen. What exactly are metal oxides? But, the earliest flashes worked with flash powder that contained magnesium grains. Any two of the following: BeO, MgO, CaO, SeO, BaO. Can you see that they are all found in the region occupied by the metals? Those three levels are: Check whether you still remember what each level refers to, by completing the following table. Remove the hose and stopper the flask tightly. What do you think will happen to the steel that is exposed to the air by the scratch in the coating? We can write a general word equation for reactions in which a metal reacts with oxygen: When we use words to describe a reaction, we are still operating on the macroscopic level. and In this chapter we learnt how metal oxides form. You would most probably have seen it being used as galvanised roof panels or other galvanised building materials, such as screws, nails, pipes, or floors. Safety precautions to observe during the demonstrations: Steel wool is an alloy made mostly of iron. You can watch the video in the visit link to confirm this. Chapter 10: Reactions of non-metals with oxygen. Learners may see the magnesium burning with a blinding white light. 2 Fe2 + 3 O2 --> 2 Fe2O3. In the next section, we will learn about the different ways in which iron and steel can be protected against rust. It is recommended that you demonstrate this reaction to the learners, because of the hazards involved when burning metals. A chemical reaction where a compound and oxygen react during burning to form a new product is called a ____________ reaction. As we have said, the metals in the same group will react in the same way as each other with oxygen. Make sure that there is plenty of sand in the bottom of the Erlenmeyer flask. a small ball of steel wool about 1 cm in diameter, a large, wide mouth, stoppered Erlenmeyer flask with sand in the bottom filled with pure oxygen, holding the ball of steel woool in the forceps, ignite it in the flame of the propane torch, quickly remove the stopper and sinsert the smoldering steel wool into the flask, after it has burned for a couple of seconds, drop the steel wool, otherwise it will weld the ends of your forceps together, turn of the propane torch and replace the stopper in the flask. Rust is actually a mixture of different oxides of iron, but the Fe2O3 of our earlier example is an important part of that. Can you see what they have in common? One day of lead time is required for this project. The general equation for this reaction is: metal + oxygen → metal oxide. There are a number of other ways to stop or slow down rust. List three materials that can be used to protect iron or steel from corrosion. First, we will observe the actual reactions. Why not? The picture is not the same for all reactions of metals with oxygen. When we represent a chemical reaction as a particle diagram, such as in the picture equation below, we are operating on the submicroscopic level. Describe anything you see, hear, or smell. You can see a video of steel wool burning here: Your teacher will perform a demonstration in which iron is burned in air. "Do not do demos unless you are an experienced chemist!" This is important as elements in the same group will react similarly. Depending on the state of the ribbon, learners may describe it as shiny, or dark grey, black, metallic, or even tarnished. What properties of iron do we want to take advantage of? [9 marks]. UO Libraries Interactive Media Group. Rinse a test tube with water to wet the inside. The following diagram shows a segment of galvanised steel, with a scratch in the protective coating.

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