Instead Guigino seems to have resumed his social media revolution as if nothing happened at all. Or a governor started helping the feds enforce immigration laws against illegal aliens. Insane: Minneapolis City Council to Disband the Police: I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. Revisionist history they can’t lie about. Education. The federal government has no problem stepping on my rights by “forcing” states to deny me my adult privilege of buying alcohol between ages 18 and 21, or my personal choice to cycle without a helmet, by threatening to withhold highway funds (which aren’t even directly related to alcohol, it’s nothing but naked extortion). How dare these Punks marginalize someones else opinion just because they disagree. Accordingly, private colleges and universities should be held to the standard that they themselves establish. I’m not aware of any other recent statement from the senior administration about a professor’s speech (trust me, professors have said some pretty outrageous things that many people would consider offensive). Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! Professor Collum today, tomorrow Professor Jacobson? This is why we have soap. No, actually, FIRE doesn’t sue private universities, unless they break a contract. You might have heard the term “skimming”; it’s essentially the same. As tempting as it is, we must not use the Ring to fight Sauron. Substitute for “dystopic,” in my post at 8:24. 6. Based on the comments from CHEM majors in this other post, it seems like it has happened both in classes at Cornell, during advising, and when representing Cornell elsewhere. If you don’t, be prepared to be dragged into some kangaroo court with the queen of hearts presiding; ‘first the verdict then the trial’. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Incidentally, are most leftists self-important imperious dicks like these kids are? 2) you spell “nauseam” correctly (vs the wrong-gendered “nauseum”), which means you know what also matters, besides the essentials. Evidently, students are not concerned about Chemistry, which is a difficult subject, kind of like math. Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Private institutions may not engage in fraud or breach of contract. They are politically congruent (“=”). suggestion Federal judge says free speech trumps property rights & allows rioters to vandalize? Following the video’s release, the Buffalo Police Department swiftly announced that it would suspend the two officers involved without pay. Normally we would see 24 hour detailed coverage. Student Petitions Demand Anti-Racist Action from Administration … Now there’s an interesting idea. That’s why we make special, savage gardens for adademics to play out their uber-careerist knife fights in narrow ivory silos. However, laws are boundaries of behavior. The line of officers continued forward, allowing the tactical medical officers to render aid. I’m still baffled by the idea of letting the students run the college. Has he gone on a crime spree? What would have been wrong if he were telling men generally to sue their accusers? Government has no more business running a school than it has running a supermarket. #HateLovesAbortion, The party that freed the slaves and passed Civil Rights is being called “racist” by the party that owned the slaves, founded the KKK, and opposed Civil Rights. Mob rule. President George Bridges refused to stand up for Weinstein, and groveled before the mob much like Jacob Frey (Minneapolis mayor) did a couple of days ago. Even if he was going to leave that post on July 1, he should not have left it a day earlier, and should perhaps have changed his mind and refused to leave even after that date, until the demands are dropped. A slew of elected officials were quick to condemn the officers’ behavior, with Gov. Jesus Christ: how fucking stupid do you have to be to understand this”. And what have we to oppose to them? We’ll see how Cornell deals with David Collum and whether they have the courage to stand up for diversity of political opinion. The war is actually begun! I repeat it, sir, let it come. How’s his chemistry research, building researchers, n teaching? You may as well choose the time and the destination. This is no time for ceremony. According to former Defense Secretary James Mattis, in his recently published essay, he writes: “Our reply to the Nazis’ ‘Divide and Conquer’ was ‘In Union there is strength.’ We must summon,” he preaches politically and wholly absurdly, “that unity to surmount this crisis — confident that we are better than our politics.”. There is an Amherst, NY? It sends a chilling message to say that some speech is permitted only “in his private life,” when every day at Cornell (when it is in session) there are all sorts of outrageous things said on campus by a variety of people. Not so “insane”, by the way. What is done above and beyond those boundaries is what is more important. He was holding a helmet in his left hand. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. the smallest amount (used to emphasize the absence of something). Forever is a very long time.”. But the link in the tweet showed that Prof. Collum was quoting the article he was linking in the tweet […] Why didn’t the letter inform readers that the tweet was a quote from another story, and provide the context, which would negate the suggestion in the letter that Prof. Collum was telling men generally to sue their accusers? Apparently they were frightened by Dr. Collum’s words in 2017… what is the evidence of the last three years? Gugino was told again to get back. During his effort Gugino was attempting to capture the radio communications signature of Buffalo police officers. “Department chair Prof. Brian Crane, chemistry, confirmed to The Sun that Collum was no longer the director of undergraduate studies. Will it be the next week, or the next year? They already have no problem telling a college that if they take a penny of federal money in any form, they must comply with Title I-MMM and submit endless compliance forms; what’s the problem with telling them they must comply with the f*g Bill of Rights? Either they honestly don’t see the forest for the trees, or they are part of the sedition. Remember what should be the slogan for the upcoming election–IF YOU WANT YOUR LIFE THREATENED AND PROPERTY DESTROYED, VOTE DEMOCRATIC. Lots more in this article at the Last Refuge. For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! It is a “burn the heretic” response. No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. The response is mot a dissertation of conflicting facts, but rather a diatribe based solely upon emotion. It’s great you’re frightened about the allegations, but I hope you’re also worried about your life and the lives of your families. They don’t exist. It’s specifically the smallest amount remaining from what was once a large amount. No thanks. These academic compounds want to put on their big-boy pants and maintain their own police forces, and hold their own kangaroo trials for sex accusations and “offenses against diversity” without due process, they can do it with their own money.

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