40). After the drainage has stopped, the large soil pores are filled with both air and water while the smaller pores are still full of water. However, some water drains rapidly below However, it can be continuous and the whole fertile top layer of a field may disappear within a few years. The depth of the different layers varies widely: some layers may be missing altogether. 2.3.4 Permanent wilting point. Readily available water is the portion of available water that is easily accessible to plants. Where the groundwater table appears at the surface, it is called an open groundwater table. Many crops cannot withstand saturated soil conditions for a period of more than 2-5 days. A coarse-textured soil is light because it is easy to work, while a fine-textured soil is heavy because it is hard to work. into the soil Note that if saturation condition continues, the flower will die. Fig. This is actually how most people kill the beloved plants in their garden; by over-watering them! Obviously not! A very general and simplified soil profile can be described as follows: b. Infiltration rate and soil moisture content. 32a and b). By means of cultivation practices (ploughing, ridging, etc. At this stage, the soil is said to be at field capacity. 35). Plant available water is easy to calculate, but accurate estimates of both field capacity and permanent wilting point are necessary for the value to be helpful in irrigation scheduling. After the first irrigation, the soil is moist and settles down, so erosion is reduced. Is the sponge dry now? It immediately will start draining water. The term ‘available water’ is a key parameter in crop irrigation. 42). At saturation, no air is present and the plant will suffer. Variations in depth of the groundwater table. Interestingly, a sandy clay loam can have a 32% VWC at field capacity (which is a well-hydrated soil), but for a clay, 32% VWC is at permanent wilting point. 2.3.3 Field capacity groundwater table. Fig. Plants need air and water in the soil. That is how plant roots can breathe. This is a very important parameter in irrigation practices. It is commonly measured by the depth (in mm) of the water layer that the soil can absorb in an hour. Erosion is usually heaviest during the early part of irrigation, especially when irrigating on slopes. So far, it has been explained that water can move downward, as well as horizontally (or laterally). Available water content in mm water depth per m soil depth (mm/m). with a depth of 150 mm = 0.150 m and a surface area of 1 m2). Fig. 2.2 Entry of water The period of saturation of the topsoil usually does not last long. Some examples of soil structures, 2.2.1 The infiltration Let the sponge drain all its gravitational water until it stops dripping (Fig. Field capacity, Available soil water and permanent wilting point Field capacity or water holding capacity of the soil After heavy rain fall or irrigation of the soil some water is drained off along the slopes while the rest percolates down in the soil. The impermeable layer separates the perched groundwater layer from the more deeply located groundwater table (see Fig. 37c). 39. Soil, like a sponge, is porous. Finally the plant dies. The same amount of water is supplied to each glass, Fig. After the rain or the irrigation has stopped, part of the water present in the larger pores will move downward. If prolonged, this situation can be disastrous for crops which cannot resist "wet feet" for a long period. 38a). Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Unlike texture, soil structure is not permanent. The top of the perched water layer is called the perched groundwater table. 44). Following heavy rainfall or irrigation, the groundwater table rises. Because the farmer can influence the soil structure (by means of cultural practices), he can also change the infiltration rate of his soil. The sponge starts to drain water immediately. At a certain stage, the uptake of water is not sufficient to meet the plant's needs. This is going to “saturate” the sponge. 2.6.1 Sheet erosion 38b). ), these are called organic particles (or organic matter). Fig. The soil is considered to be at permanent wilting point when the water potential in the soil is at or below -1.5 MPa, so the permanent wilting point is the water content of the soil at -1.5 MPa water potential. This layer is not very important for plant growth as only a few roots will reach it. 30. 37b). Imagine you put a piece of sponge over a screen or inside a kitchen sieve (Fig. is saturated, the reservoir is full. If a pit is dug in the soil, at least 1 m deep, various layers, different in colour and composition can be seen. The water drained from the pores is replaced by air. On the other hand, fine textured soils have mainly small particles in between which there are small pores (see Fig. About half of the water in the soil at field capacity is held too tightly to be accessible to plants. In coarse soils, the rain or irrigation water enters and moves more easily into larger pores; it takes less time for the water to infiltrate into the soil. The dryer the soil becomes, the more tightly the remaining water is retained and the more difficult it is for the plant roots to extract it. A soil moisture content of 150 mm/m. Soil at the Permanent Wilting Point is not completely dry, as it still has a little bit of water; but the amount is so little it is not accessible by plants. If no additional water is supplied to the soil, it gradually dries out. Available water : The difference between two moisture contents ( field capacity and permanent wilting point ) is known as available water. The soil particles seem to touch each other, but in reality have spaces in between. the rootzone before the plant can use it (see Fig. Little by little, the water stored in the soil is taken up by the plant roots or evaporated from the topsoil into the atmosphere. Let’s repeat the sponge experiment with a flower pot. Even though the soil contains some moisture but it was so held by the soil that roots of plants cannot uptake it and results in wilting of plant. This process is called drainage or percolation. 2.1.3 Soil texture Field Capacity: Once the flower pot stops dripping water, the soil is at field capacity. It is like squeezing a wet cloth to the point that it does not drip water anymore; no matter how hard you squeeze it, you can feel it is still wet. Most plants and crops die after a few days if their soil is saturated. A range of values for infiltration rates is given below: The infiltration rate of a soil depends on factors that are constant, such as the soil texture. A soil matric pressure of –10 or –33 kPa for field capacity and –1500 kPa for wilting point are commonly used values (FAO, 1979). When this water has drained away, the soil is at field capacity. 38b. In fine textured (clayey) soils, drainage may take some (2-3) days. A range of values for different types of soil is given in the following table. The amount of water actually available to the plant is the amount of water stored in the soil at field capacity minus the water that will remain in the soil at permanent wilting point. If a handful of saturated soil is squeezed, some (muddy) water will run between the fingers. The mineral particles of the soil differ widely in size and can be classified as follows: The amount of sand, silt and clay present in the soil determines the soil texture. But if the soil is drained well, soon water drains out of the macro-pores and air takes its place. The plant roots draw water from what remains in the reservoir (see Fig. The groundwater can be sucked upward by the soil through very small pores that are called capillars. groundwater table Fig. Permanent wilting point is when plants wilt, but this can vary with type of plant. 2.3.2 Saturation table At “ Field Capacity ” (FC) the soil is wet and contains all the water it can hold against gravity. At the “Permanent Wilting Point” (PWP) the soil is dry and the plant can no longer extract any more water. point where plant roots can no longer extract water from the soil; water is still held in soil but too tightly or with not enough of a gradient difference for plants to access it.

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