The first activity (MainActivity) will be as "portrait" orientation and second activity (SecondActivity) as "landscape" orientation type. This example will show you how to change android device screen orientation ( horizontal to vertical vice versa ) and how to avoid activity restart during the screen orientation change. Orientation.addSpecificOrientationListener( (specificOrientation) => {} ); 3. To handle device rotation in your app, change the application’s AndroidManifest.xml to tell Android that your app will handle orientation and screen size changes. Every Android mobile phone gives us two screen mode changing buttons, Portrait mode and Landscape mode button to change our phone screen orientation. In this example, we will create two activities of different screen orientation. activity_main.xml Then you need to save the state of Activity as well as Fragment. When you have Fragments attached to Activity and you want to handle orientation change. We saw in my previous post , how Android framework does an excellent job at adapting the GUI when screen orientation changes. But sometimes some of application dose not required changing screen orientation so android app developer can stop android app layout orientation moving using single function. The first obvious discussion point is how to handle a layout change manually. Android Change Screen Orientation Example. To add the Specific Orientation Listener for the change in the orientation which will be triggered automatically when the orientation of the device changes. 1. How to handle Screen Orientation changes in Android - Part - 1 In one of my Android projects, we had a requirement that, when user changes the orientation of his phone from portrait to landscape or visa-a-versa, the GUI should adapt itself and render appropriately. There are two radio buttons in above example. How to handle Screen Orientation changes in Android - Part - 2 Adapting the GUI when screen orientation changes is extremely important for a good user experience experience. Override onSaveInstanceState method and save the state. Orientation.getSpecificOrientation( (err, specificOrientation) => {} ); 2. To save activity's state follow below steps. When the layout change is handled manually for an activity: A new activity is not being created automatically when the layout of a device changes. If it is null then… This prevents Android from destroying and recreating the Android activity and calling the onDestroy() function on the existing window surface when an orientation change occurs. Check in onCreate on Activity for the saveInstanceState Bundle. Android Portrait and Landscape mode screen orientation example. Hi All Today handle orientation change when screen rotate data removed from activity to handle it we just supply android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden" in menufest thanks … Handle layout change manually.

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