Weeping cherry trees originally come from Japan, but today they can be cultivated in almost any climate. The leaves will yellow, leaving green veins, and then go completely yellow or even a pale cream color. Gardeners will love the cute and beautiful look of the tree, especially when it starts to produce its blooms. This section is known as the rootstock. Over-watering is a frequent mistake with weeping cherry trees. If you remove more than one-third of the roots, prune one-quarter of the foliage, cutting shoots off at their bases, evenly around the plant. It produces graceful branches that arch out from the central trunk and softly droop towards the ground. Remove leaves as they continue to fall and check for new growth, which is a sign the plant has started to recover. The weeping cherry tree is one of the most popular and requested trees at nurseries. If your weeping ficus (Ficus benjamina), commonly known as weeping fig, is sitting in wet soil and dropping leaves faster than it grows new ones, you might have given it too much of a good thing. The deadly effect of over-watering is the root rot that can easily kill a tree. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →, Clemson University: Ornamental Cherry Trees. University of Florida IFAS Extension: How Does Your Garden Grow? However, the tree does require some specialized care, and many gardeners find that the tree dies back quickly if they don’t keep an eye on it regularly. Always water weeping fig so that the soil is moist, not sodden, and reduce watering in winter. Cherry rootstocks are actually very rugged and will tolerate dryness, but are very sensitive to excessive wetness and will drown if over-watered. How to Grow Japanese Bloodgood From Cutting, How to Grow a Tonto Crepe Myrtle in a Container, Cal Poly Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute: Weeping Fig, University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Weeping Fig, Ficus Benjamina, National Gardening Association: Dying Weeping Fig Tree, University of Minnesota Extension: Root Rot of Houseplants. The leaves on a flowering cherry will go limp in appearance and feel soft when a tree is suffocating from over-watering. The top part, known as the top-graft, is the plant’s weeping branches. Place your weeping fig in a bright area out of direct sunlight. 5), bacterial canker and borers that attack the main trunk (Fig. Colorado State University Extension: Guidelines for Watering Indoor Plants, How to Take Care of a Spearmint Ficus Plant. This weeping cherry tree is one of the smaller varieties, typically growing to between ten and fifteen feet tall with a similar-sized spread. Weeping fig is also a popular houseplant, grown for its attractive glossy green foliage and graceful weeping habit. Remove your weeping fig from its container, and gently scrape any wet soil away from its rootball and examine its... 3. The leaves on a flowering cherry will go limp in appearance and feel soft when a tree is suffocating from over-watering. A deep-root soaking (five gallons or so) once a week is usually enough to maintain newly planted weeping cherry trees. Remove soil around the tree so there is no more than an inch of soil covering the tree's roots. A graduate of Leeds University, Jenny Green completed Master of Arts in English literature in 1998 and has been writing about travel, gardening, science and pets since 2007. It produces graceful branches that arch out from the central trunk and softly droop towards the ground. Improvement may take several weeks. Waterlogged cherry trees will begin to drop leaves typically after they have yellowed but also young leaves that are still greens. The foliage of the tree is bronze when it emerges, later developing to a bright, glossy green. In the US, the Dwarf weeping cherry tree is by far the most common. Weeping cherry trees come in a range of varieties. Ornamental cherry trees (and related Prunus spp.) Cut off any that are soft and black or brown, smell offensive, or show other signs of rotting. Gardeners will love the cute and beautiful look of the tree, especially when it starts to produce its blooms. When trees are planted too deeply, they can show signs of being over-watered. You will also notice that some of the leaves that remain on the tree can be knocked loose when barely touched or at the slightest breeze.

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