Their selections were then weighted according to the order and the results were tabulated. No knowledge of Philosophy is presupposed by the course at Cambridge. Each staff member submitted a list of their favorite books of all time, in (rough) order of preference. I, II 357A–369B, IV 427D–445E, V 473B–480A, VI 502C–VII 521B, Thucydides: I, II 34–65, III 35–85, V 26, 84–16, VI 8–23, VII 84–87, VIII 1, ; letters, as in D.R. This reading list is both too long and woefully incomplete. In the most recent version, many SEP links have inserted for both introductory … Students may petition the graduate committee to make substitutions of items on the reading list in two categories: Time: 12:15 to 3 Tuesdays & Thursdays. For offer holders . Map Find Harvard Book Store » While we strive to keep this list accurate and updated, the Course Catalog is the official record of all Harvard courses. The aim has been to list mainly works of original philosophy and to list only such works as can (with more or … Reading List for PhD candidates in Classical Philosophy Students may petition the graduate committee to make substitutions of items on the reading list in two categories: Substitutions of a work by the same author, provided that the substituted material is roughly of the same length and parallel in genre, and Before taking the General Examinations, the candidate must have read, as a minimum, the following reading list in the original languages. ; Stephen … Reading List for PhD candidates in Classical Philology Before taking the General Examinations, the candidate must have read, as a minimum, the following reading list in the original languages. Some of the reading lists are still in draft while we complete final checks and upload additional scans of book chapters over the next week or so. Among the special strengths of the department are moral and political philosophy, aesthetics, epistemology, philosophy of logic, philosophy of language, the history of analytic philosophy, ancient philosophy, Kant, and Wittgenstein. Petitions will be discussed with the student at this advising meeting and the approved list will be used as the basis for the written translation examinations. ; Frank Pasquale, author of New Laws of Robotics: Defending Human Expertise in the Age of AI, spoke with Commonweal about what robots can’t do. The typical entering class ranges from five to eight students. Shackleton Bailey's, Lucretius: I, II 1–293, III, IV 1058–1287, V, VI 1138–1286, I 1, 20, II 1, III 5, 7, 16, 19, 21, IV 14, V 8, VI 16, 20, VII 17, 27, 33, X 96, 97, Propertius: I, II 1, 8, 10, 12, 13B, 15, 26A, 34, III 1–5, IV 3, 7, 8, 9, 11. 7, 12, 47, 51, 56, 76, 86, 88, 108, 114, 120–122, 124, I–II 26, IV 1–12, 32–67, VI 18–30, 50–51, XI 23–38, XII 58–XIII 25, XIV 1–65, XV 38–65, XVI 18–35, Copyright © 2020 The President and Fellows of Harvard College, Study Abroad & Other Opportunities for Undergraduate and Graduate Students,, Substitutions of a work by the same author, provided that the substituted material is roughly of the same length and parallel in genre, and. It was by no means a perfect system, but it was the best way we could think of to quantify opinions that are in no way … Equality: egalitarianism; labour, property and theft; the value of equality. The Philosophy Library team have been busy over the summer transferring our reading lists to the Reading List Online (RLO) platform. In early 2010 Harvard Book Store employees worked together to come up with a list of our favorite books. Petitions will be discussed with the student at this advising meeting and the approved list will be used as the basis for the written translation examinations. Who’d have thought we’d ever see an NBC episode named after one of our backlist titles? We thought you might like to know which books our students and faculty are reading today. 2-3 Choose one of the following: Plotinus, Enneads 1.6 On Beauty, 3.7 On Time As The Good Place comes to an end this week, we at Harvard University Press wanted to take a moment to appreciate a show that took moral philosophy into the mainstream. The list is divided into three parts covering Philosophy, Politics and Economics. Lyric Poetry: selections as in D. Campbell, Thucydides: I 1–23, 31–44, 66–88, 118–146, II 34–65, III 35–85, V 26, 84–116, VI 8–23, VII 84–87, VIII 1, ; letters, as in D. R. Shackleton Bailey's, Lucretius: I, III, IV 1058–1287, V 772–1457, VI 1138–1286, I 1, 20, II 1, III 5, 6, 16, 19, 21, IV 14, V 8, VI 16, 20, VII 24, 33, VIII 8, IX 33, 36, X 61, 62, 96, 97, Propertius: I, II 1, 8, 10, 12, 13B, 15, 26A, 34, III 1–5, IV 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, Copyright © 2020 The President and Fellows of Harvard College, Study Abroad & Other Opportunities for Undergraduate and Graduate Students,, Substitutions of a work by the same author, provided that the substituted material is roughly of the same length and parallel in genre, and. Philosophy. Petitions should be submitted to the graduate committee in advance of the regular advising meeting at the beginning of the semester, no later than the beginning of the term in which the student will sit the General Examinations (normally the spring term of the second year). We hope you will enjoy their selections and this unique connection to … 1-3; or De anima Bks. For prospective students. We advise you to read the Philosophy subject page thoroughly. See the RLO LibGuide for more information. It is certainly not suggested that you attempt to read all of the books mentioned, but you should aim to read at least something from each section. Recent News. Comprehensive Exam Reading List Historical and Systematic Areas Part I: Ancient Required: Plato, Republic, and either Theaetetus or Sophist Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, and one of Metaphysics Bks I, VII; Physics, II, III chs.

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