Some time later, a consistent quantization wa Or, as I saw, go on youtube and type 'String theory' or 'String theory lectures'. For some questions, string theory has given very impressive and compelling answers. Unfortunately, most of this math is still far beyond our current abilities and comprehension. Quantum theory only became unstable whenever scientists looked at smaller and smaller areas. Absolutely everything* in our lives, from the orbit of our sun to the weight of your aunt Betsy, can be explained through math. Okay, let's go back to physics for a bit. String Theory - The Theory of Everything. Perhaps try buying books that doesn't have mathematical details inside that could help you understand. String theory was originally developed as a tool to study the dynamics of chromoelectric flux tubes in strongly coupled gauge theory. Oh my, String theory simplified? String theory, simplified. You might as well ask us to walk on the sun. String theory should agree with the accurate results of quantum mechanics and relativity and become the foundation of the rest of science. For others, string theory has been almost silent. Haha, it's an extremely, extremely hard topic to just explain in a box on Yahoo answers. String theory proposes that the fundamental constituents of the universe are one-dimensional “strings” rather than point-like particles. String theory, as the first scientific theory of everything, should explain all the forces and elementary particles. We live in a universe of mathematical equations. Mathematics is the universal language. What we perceive as particles are actually vibrations in loops of string, each with its own characteristic frequency. String theory, therefore, is a much less 'violent' theory then the classic Quantum Theory, which means it can fit together with the fragile General Theory of Relativity. String theory originated as an attempt to describe the interactions of particles such as protons. – 1 – Reason 2. Whether or not string theory is the true description of reality, it offers a framework in which one can begin to explore these issues. It should explain the origin and evolution of the universe.

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