According to Melvin, 2011, “Criminal laws are for the protection of both society and business. Contract law includes drafting, rights assignment, work delegation, transactions, agreements, breach of contract, and remedies for a br… Role and Function of Law in Business A better understanding | Laura Nevison The function of a law is to maintain social control and protects public order by resolving disputes in a peaceful manner. The role and function of law in business includes protecting employees and business owners, defining ways to dispute a conflict and providing a fair platform to conduct business. Functions of role of Law in Business This stemmed from pressures from the senate to cut personnel that were not making advancements in rank and lowering manning capabilities around the fleet. With laws they give order that guides the business and society from destruction. Law is the foundation to keep a business running smoothly, and it is also the process to keep a society from going down dark chaos road. Law is an important element to any civilized society. LaFaye Moore Jr. © 2019 “Although the most visible function of the law on a day-to-day basis is to provide for some system of order that defines crimes and levies punishment for violation of the crime” (Melvin, 2011, Para. Individuals who choose to disobey the laws will be punished. The organization that I choose to discuss will be on my experience in working in the United States Navy. ROLE AND FUNCTIONS OF LAW Common business types include single owner operations called sole proprietorships and multi-owner businesses called partnerships and corporations, which are businesses owned by a group of stock shareholders. The SEC oversees corporate disclosure of information to the investing public. Role and Functions of Law Laws govern every aspect of business. I will also be covering about what external pressures on the outside of the workplace could affect organizational ethics that are in place, Weather or not such external issues would carry any weight inside of the organization and impact personal decisions. Write a summary in a minimum of 1,400 words in which you discuss the roles of law and courts in today’s business environment. Business laws establish guidelines for what companies can and cannot do, as well as certain things they must do. One declares so many things to be a crime that is becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws” (Para. LAW/421 And inside of the military it is our duty to always be ready to get deployed at any given time but due to the lack of manning it forced smaller ships to miss...... ...ROLE AND FUNCTIONS OF LAW “Law plays a significant role in the successful operation of business and society” (Bushman, 2007). The main purpose of law is to govern a society and to control the behavior of individuals. Firefighting in itself has many standards, regulations and laws that affect the way firefighters perform their duties, to what they wear while performing their job, to the tools they use and interaction with patients. Laws touch every aspect of social behavior across all walks of...... ...University of Phoenix | Small businesses must comply with the same rules and regulations that apply to large companies and thus need someone with legal expertise from time to time. There are laws that control taxation, competition, intellectual property, employment, and environmental concerns (Bushman, 2012). Law can also take the form of a written code arranged and prescribed by an elected legislative body of judicial decisions, and actions of government agencies. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] Functions and roles of law in business and society The government also sets various workplace safety rules to ensure that businesses provide safe working conditions. This paper will put the following three topics into perspective; the structure and nature of the constitution, the role and function of law in society, and the judiciary system. The Roles and Functions of Law LAW/421 September 9, 2012 The Roles and Functions of Law The longest serving Supreme Court Judge William O Douglas most popular quotations is “Common sense … This paper will discuss the functions and role of law in business and society. Taxation. Intellectual property describes creations of the mind, like art, literature, inventions and company logos. However, the interplay of law and economic growth has always been an intriguing subject for legal researchers and those associated with the legal sector. How Do Competitive Markets Function in a Market Economic System? 1). We will go off the bases of what is law and how it is use. W. Royce Caines, Lander University During my tenure with the military there were very few external pressures that were present at that time. Intellectual property law grants legal protection to the creators of various types of intellectual property, which gives creators the right to profit from their work and take legal action agonist anyone who copies their work without permission. In this report, it will discuss and define the functions and role of law in business and society. Business and the Constitution ch2.docx The governance of business through state and federal laws is a very complex system. The law states that businesses have to provide equal opportunity to potential employees when hiring; employees should be hired based on qualifications rather than race or gender. For example, laws force businesses to use certain practices to limit air and water pollution, and the government can penalize companies that don't follow environmental guidelines. Law has a huge role in both business and society. Law and Business are not mutually exclusive sub-sets. This paper will define the three specific roles of law and its function in business and society and how the law applies to employment. Other functions of law include: peacekeeping; checking government power and promoting personal freedom; facilitating planning and the realization of reasonable expectations; promoting economic growth through free competition; promoting social justice; and protecting the environment (Mallor, Barnes, Bowers, and Langvardt). While working for the United States Postal Service (USPS), Tanisha had and on the job injury while running letter mail on a sorter. Law, defined as a body of rules of conduct of binding legal force and effect, prescribed, recognized, and enforced by controlling authority. Read More. 1. LAW 421 – Contemporary Business Law I will discuss the functions and role of law as it pertains to a previous job. Law rules every phase of business. The Internal Revenue Service lets business owners choose from one of several business structures that that affect taxation. The government can potentially prevent companies from merging or force companies to split into different divisions to promote competition. However, a general acceptable definition of law is a body of rules for the action, conduct, or behavior prescribed by a controlling power of authority with legal binding force (Black’s Law Dictionary, 2013). Describe the different forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and how they can … Law is a broad discipline with several fields that serve important functions in business (Hamel, n.d.). Regulating behavior in respect to the general society is the primary purpose of law. Functions The structure of the constitution is set up to ensure that each section or branch does not exceed its authority. “Congress exercises its commerce powers in various forms. 1 Pg. It has evolved from basic morality and society cannot exist properly without it. The role and functions of law as it pertains to business and society oversees the protection the public, business owners, including the individual states.

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