The salt had completely dried up the tissue and drained the fluid from her belly button. JPNC [Internet]. ... Silver nitrate is the most commonly used treatment for umbilical granuloma because of its antiseptic functions. There are various treatment options for umbilical granuloma. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. This has been found to be an effective and safe treatment which can be undertaken at home. Then dry the area. I had seen in some forums about other moms trying to cure the granuloma using sodium chloride (NaCl) also known as table salt. the area will gradually heal. The baby remains active and feeds well unless there is an infection. These tissues can in turn secrete clear or blood stained fluid. Repeat this 2 to 3 times a day for 5 days. Chemical burns from this treatment are not awfully common but I was a bit hesitant to take this chance. It is important to be sure that umbilical granuloma has been diagnosed correctly – once the diagnosis has been confirmed by a competent professional then salt treatment can be carried out at home by parents, with medical review only if symptoms do not resolve. But if you prefer the other options, that is okay too! One way I was told to treat this was for the pediatrician to apply silver nitrate (AgNO3) on the excess tissue. Using a q-tip carefully apply a small quantity only on the granuloma. The I rinsed off the salt and bathed her as I normally would. This did not hurt though. I have an appointment for Monday with the GP for the silver nitrate treatment but came across the table salt treatment alternative today and decided to give it a try. ... Silver nitrate burns following treatment for umbilical granuloma… Try this homemade remedy with common table salt before you opt for anything else that might not be as harmless. Silver nitrate is the most commonly used treatment for umbilical granuloma because of its antiseptic functions. There are a number of lesions which can look like umbilical granuloma. ( Log Out /  • Apply a very small pinch of table/ cooking salt to the umbilical granuloma. This is usually done once in 3 to 5 days. It did not seem to faze her one bit. The pediatrician told us that it could possibly permanently stain her umbilical area. Get notified about our new articles, exciting content and much more….. What are diaper rashes and how to treat them at home? Repeat the procedure twice a day for at least 3 days. Change ). However, when I would keep it uncovered for it to air dry it would turn bright red as the friction from Hannah’s clothes irritated it. It was considerably smaller. Rarely, the doctor might suggest certain investigations to confirm if in doubt. It turned out to be efficient, safe and we did not have to make an extra visit to the doctor’s office. Umbilical granulomas are common. The fluid is usually odourless and clear unless infected. Background: Umbilical granuloma is an overgrowth of granulation tissue following the separation of umbilical cord. It can vary in size from 2 to 10 mm. The health professional who advised the treatment can provide you with the gauze swabs needed (you can get extras from a pharmacy if needed). It is a benign mass and does not mean infection and is not harmful to your baby’s health. I was getting tired of having to bandage my baby’s beautiful tummy. Karagüzel G. Umbilical Granuloma: Modern Understanding of Etiopathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Management. The treatment consisted of application of common salt on the lesion twice a day, washing 30 min later, and repeating the procedure for 3 days. If this treatment is applied incorrectly, however, the baby might suffer chemical burns. This excess tissue does not hurt your baby but it becomes a nuisance for the simple fact that a green/yellow/clear substance drains from it and stains your baby’s clothes. It should not contain any fecal matter or urine. The initial treatment is usually silver nitrate. Salt treatment for an umbilical granuloma If the granuloma is not infected you can treat your baby at home with table salt or cooking salt. ( Log Out /  What caught my eye was the size of the mass. As long as there is no infection in the umbilical area, they should be fine. Our baby is now granuloma free! Clean the site using a clean gauze swab soaked in warm water.

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