I am pro religion because it encourages peace and kindness. Long faces do not make religion. In a nationwide survey of strong families, “84% identified religion as an important contributor to the strength of their families” (Fagan “Why Religion Matters: The”). Buddha, "Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich." Religious teachers, such as Jesus Christ, the Buddha, Guru Nanak challenged many social norms, such as caste systems and ossified social customs. Religion promotes social solidarity: In its purest form, religion can inspire people to serve the welfare of others, not out of ego, but out of a sense of divine duty. People who are for religion often portraying it as something that gives humanity meaning and purpose, as well as providing a moral compass for people to navigate by. Most religions preach that people should treat others kindly and forgive those that hurt them. Question: I have a debate coming up on religion, and I'm on the pro side. It can bring people together as they share common aspirations to lead a better life. Religion discourages free inquiry and restricts freedom of thought, by encouraging the idea that fundamental answers can only be found in a fixed and specific book or belief system. People who made a difference. Religion is often associated with long-standing dogmas, but religious and spiritual movements often begin as dynamic movements, which establish existing political, cultural and religious norms. At its worst, religion can bring irrational restrictions, war and persecution. This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. I find that for me, I've only met people who use religion as a way to crush others. It is true that man has often misused the ideals of religion for their own selfish ends. But, there are also teachings and a culture which can help lift up man to live a better, more fulfilling and more selfless life. This principle has inspired some religious reformers to campaign against injustice. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land." The teachings on these topics encourage believers to avoid negative acts, such as murder and lying, with a … Sikhism is the 5th largest religion in the world, with around 23 million adherents. The word Islam means “submission,” it comes from the Arab word for peace, salaam. Religions can cause or encourage bigotry against minority groups, such as gay people, women, and racial groups. It provides ceremonies for life's big events, such as marriage, birth, and death. Their beliefs in the supernatural are strengthened and confirmed. Religion has been a feature of the world for as long as it came into existence. Religion helps in the spiritual growth of a person. Teachings of goodwill and the golden rule (do unto others) Promoting ethics and good morals in political life. The belief of supernatural beings would deter them from oppressing others. However, it must be emphasized that religion must never be allowed to coerce non adherents who choose a different path for their lives or belief systems. In Indian and Asiatic religion there is a similar strand of richly devotional music, that has enriched human culture. Some of the world’s great acts of forgiveness have been motivated by a religious ethic and faith in the importance of forgiveness. We closed our eyes. Generally speaking, religious faith is generally on the decline in Western countries, but growing in other places around the world. Religion makes the people more obedient to government and more peaceable one towards another. this sight was great for my report thank you, and all your information!! Well, the first benefit of religion is that gives the access to the group of people who think similar to you and who believe in the same god as you. Religion has historically been a source of war on conflict between people ever since people started believing in it. . Even a non-religious person can appreciate the divine sacred music of Beethoven, Bach or Schubert. Religion can bring a sense of hope and inspiration to people, who otherwise might feel despondent, or desperate. It helps to structure society, keeping it ordered and stable. For example, many who opposed Hitler’s Nazi ideology were motivated by their religious faith; this includes people like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Maximilian Kolbe and Bernhard Lichtenberg. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters. The Golden Temple in India, a sacred place for people of the Sikh religion. The loftiest teaching is to do this selfless service without expectation of reward or praise but to work with a feeling of oneness and identification with other people. Human beings need some form of motivating force. James, written around 45 AD, is the oldest book in the Christian New Testament. People have used it to destruction in the past (and still are) but that doesn't mean that the basic concept isn't a good thing. In Delight we grow. People live responsibly. At the end of our journey’s close, into Delight we retire.”. Religion can become stale and ossified itself, but religious leaders and new spiritual movements have the capacity to think outside the box and offer different paths for people to follow. From primitive civilisations to the acme of Western civilisation, there have always been people unsatisfied with a purely materialistic interpretation of life. In summary, the main benefits of religion include, “Each religion has helped mankind. Answer: Religion has a positive effect in many ways, including giving individuals a sense of meaning and moral guidance. remain unproven. At the World Parliament of Religions (1993), a declaration towards a Global Ethic was made. It is true many adherents of religion have ignored the important religious teachings of goodwill and equality. Religious faith can be a source of courage to fight oppression. As they all have souls, they all have the potential to achieve a state of nirvana. " Famous saints – Famous saints from the main religious traditions of Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism. This leads to a systematic behavior by all the people in the society. This feeling of being the part of something greater than yourself, knowing that your fellow … Religious people tend to believe that their particular religion is the only correct one and all the others are false. Many charities are run by religious organizations, providing essential help to some of the most needy people on the planet. Men and women who made a positive contribution to the world – in the fields of politics, literature, music, activism and spirituality. Religion encourages an unachievable idealism and in the process creates hypocrisy, frustration, and disappointment. It serves as a check for those who can't control their evil nature. At its best, religion can bring a sense of purpose and belonging to people's lives, as well as provide them with moral guidance. Advantages of Religion: 1. Religion should be the most joyful thing in the world, because it is the best.”. But, religion may be the inspiration for someone to lead a better life. Without a sense of meaning, people’s lives can seem empty, causing depression, angst, or anxiety. “, – Sri Aurobindo (Essays in Philosophy and Yoga, p.211). For example, the Quakers, and Christians like William Wilberforce sought to end slavery because they believed slavery was incompatible with Christian charity. U.K.-born Paul has worked as a librarian and bookseller since graduating from university. 3. Anais Nin. Unscrupulous leaders use religion to enrich themselves. Thanks for posting this :3. Why do they need an ultimate reward for being a good person, to be successful, and kind? This is a look at some of the benefits that the world has received from religion. Thomas Paine, "When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. For example, Martin Luther King frequently used Christian language to preach a message of peace and forgiveness. And what are the positive effects of religion in our society? People tend to follow rules for marriage, work, business, death and other aspects of life. 2.Aids in better mental health. That is equivalent to being the world’s 15th-largest national economy, outpacing nearly 180 other countries and territories. VINDICATE THIS TRUTH. Different religious traditions have played a major role in the evolution of society.

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