Chinese Colors : Learning the colors in Mandarin Chinese. Symbolic meaning of colors in Chinese art. In such a colorful world, how great it is to know all the colors in Chinese! We use data about you … Blue eyes, considered beautiful in the West, are very rare amongst Han Chinese… These are pure colors, while the others are secondary colors. Cultural Meanings Red is a lucky color, representing prosperity, goodness, and happiness. Opera characters with blue make-up are usually ghosts or bad characters. Generally the color blue has a negative connotation in China. We use cookies to improve your experience on this website and so that ads you see online can be tailored to your online browsing interests. The Chinese language not only uses color as an adjective to describe the object but also incorporate them into our everyday life as meaningful Chinese proverbs, idioms or common saying. To hear the audio, click GET FLASH TO HEAR AUDIO shown at the beginning of the list of words. Colors: The colors of traditional Chinese clothing are greatly influenced by Five-element Theory: cyan, red, black, white, and yellow, which represent the five elements. There are two ways to say colors in Mandarin Chinese. The table below contains a list of the Chinese colors with audio. Learn how to say colors in Chinese including light colors and dark colors in Chinese, and cold colors and warm colors in Chinese. Chinese Colors with Sound. If you are a parent or teacher trying to teach kids Chinese make sure to keep following this series! Learning the names of colors is essential in any language, but Mandarin colors give you more than just a tool for descriptions: They also have strong cultural meanings. Chinese Colors in Mandarin: How to Say in Chinese Chinese colors are often used in Mandarin than English or perhaps, more than any other languages. First is to say the name of one color itself, and the second way is to say the name of one color plus "色(sè)", which means "color". Color in Chinese culture refers to the certain values that Chinese culture attaches to colors, like which colors are considered auspicious (吉利) or inauspicious (不利).The Chinese word for "color" is yánsè (顏色).In Classical Chinese, the character sè (色) more accurately meant "color in the face", or "emotion".It was generally used alone and often implied sexual desire or desirability. This is the third Chinese lesson for kids from our online “Learn Chinese for Kids” series on Bilingual Kidspot hosted by Miss Panda Chinese: Learning Chinese colors. Pure colors were mostly used by the upper class in most dynasties. To help you read and also hear the words the way they're pronounced by a native, simply hover with your mouse over each image to listen to the pronunciation.

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