Instead the driver must pass it down to the lower bus driver because it knows the location of the device. Sets the current IRP stack location to the caller's location in an IRP. The ClfsRemoveLogContainerSet routine atomically removes a set of containers from a CLFS log. Sets the absolute or relative interval at which a timer object will be set to the Signaled state; optionally supplies a timer DPC to be executed when the interval expires; and optionally supplies a recurring interval for the timer. Converts a value of type ULONG_PTR to a value of type UINT. This routine starts a DMA data-transfer or a data transfer operation. Acquires a spin lock, provided that the caller is already running at IRQL DISPATCH_LEVEL. The TmInitializeTransactionManager routine initializes a transaction manager object. The SeAssignSecurityEx routine builds a self-relative security descriptor for a new object given the following optional parameters:_a security descriptor of the object's parent directory, an explicit security descriptor for the object, and the object type. [36], On the other end, the hierarchical protection domains architecture that leads to the design of a monolithic kernel[30] has a significant performance drawback each time there's an interaction between different levels of protection (i.e., when a process has to manipulate a data structure both in "user mode" and "supervisor mode"), since this requires message copying by value.[38]. The FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION structure provides extended attribute (EA) information. Some developers, such as UNIX developer Ken Thompson, maintain that it is "easier to implement a monolithic kernel"[31] than microkernels. "Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution", "What Is Darwin (and How It Powers Mac OS X)", "Operating Systems/Kernel Models - Wikiversity", "Apple WWDC 2000 Session 106 - Mac OS X: Kernel", Introduction and Overview of the Multics System, "Windows - Official Site for Microsoft Windows 10 Home & Pro OS, laptops, PCs, tablets & more", The performance of μ-kernel-based systems, IBM System/38 support for capability-based addressing, The IA-32 Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 1: Basic Architecture, "Operating System Structures to Support Security and Reliable Software", "HYDRA: the kernel of a multiprocessor operating system", "Improving the reliability of commodity operating systems", Detailed comparison between most popular operating system kernels,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2007, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Using a lower-level device driver (file drivers using disk drivers), Simulating work with hardware, while doing something entirely different, Allowing the operating system direct access to hardware resources, Implementing an interface for non-driver software such as, Implementing a language (often a high-level language such as. The RtlStringCbPrintfExW and RtlStringCbPrintfExA functions create a byte-counted text string, with formatting that is based on supplied formatting information. Do not use them in your driver. Converts a value of type UINT to a value of type SHORT. Converts a value of type LONG to a value of type INT. The WdmlibIoCreateDeviceSecure function (or IoCreateDeviceSecure) creates a named device object and applies the specified security settings. The RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize routine returns the number of bytes required to hold an ANSI string converted into a Unicode string. The IoClearActivityIdThread routine clears the activity ID of the current thread. The CM_POWER_DATA structure contains information about a device's power management state and capabilities. Sets up a queue header for a driver's internal queue, given a pointer to driver-supplied storage for the queue header and queue. The CsqInsertIrpEx routine is used by the system to insert an IRP into a driver-implemented, cancel-safe IRP queue. Builds a security descriptor for a new object, given the security descriptor of its parent directory (if any) and an originally requested security for the object. The HWPROFILE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION structure describes an event related to a hardware profile configuration change. The ExInterlockedFlushSList routine atomically removes all entries from a sequenced singly linked list. Sets up a lookaside list, protected by a system-supplied spin lock, in nonpaged pool from which the driver can allocate and free blocks of a fixed size. This section describes references for the KeXxx routines, in alphabetical order. Initializes the specified ANSI string in a buffer. The RtlNumberOfSetBits routine returns a count of the set bits in a given bitmap variable. The RtlInitializeBitMap routine initializes the header of a bitmap variable. The PEP_WORK_COMPLETE_PERF_STATE structure describes the completion status of a previously requested update to the performance values assigned to a list of performance state (P-state) sets. This section contains reference pages for the MmXxx routines and memory-management macros. The KeQueryHardwareCounterConfiguration routine queries the operating system for the list of hardware counters to use for thread profiling. Returns the number of threads currently waiting to acquire a given resource for exclusive access. The REG_QUERY_KEY_NAME structure describes the full registry key name of an object being queried. No need for separate address spaces. The KeLeaveGuardedRegion routine exits a guarded region entered by KeEnterGuardedRegion. Returns the accumulated kernel-mode and user-mode run time. Such a driver-supplied routine saves driver-determined state information, such as the contents of device registers, that would not otherwise be written into the system crash-dump file. The KeInitializeMutex routine initializes a mutex object, setting it to a signaled state. The IoRegisterContainerNotification routine registers a kernel-mode driver to receive notifications about a specified class of events. In the microkernel, only the most fundamental of tasks are performed such as being able to access some (not necessarily all) of the hardware, manage memory and coordinate message passing between the processes. The TmEnableCallbacks routine enables a callback routine that receives transaction notifications. For more information about the IRP data structure, see IRP and IRP Major Function Codes. The PoSetDeviceBusyEx routine notifies the power manager that the device associated with the specified idle counter is busy. In the F0 state, the component is fully turned on. I/O requests bound for the target device are routed first to the caller. The IoFreeIrp routine releases a caller-allocated IRP from the caller's IoCompletion routine. The MmGetMdlByteCount macro returns the length, in bytes, of the buffer described by the specified MDL. Do not use this routine to report system PnP events, such as GUID_TARGET_DEVICE_REMOVE_COMPLETE. The KeSetPriorityThread routine sets the run-time priority of a driver-created thread. To actually perform useful work, a process must be able to access the services provided by the kernel. The IoInitializeRemoveLock routine initializes a remove lock for a device object. The AdapterListControl routine starts a direct memory access (DMA) scatter/gather operation. The ZwEnumerateKey routine returns information about a subkey of an open registry key. Allocates and initializes an IRP with major function code IRP_MJ_POWER and then sends the IRP to the top-level driver in the device stack for the specified device object. Allocates and maps a logically contiguous region of memory that is simultaneously accessible from both the processor and a device.

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