You may have the base of the sprigs that are dark brown because they were close to the dirt. To retain the best flavor of these herbs, you'll either need to allow them to dry naturally or use a food dehydrator. Drying herbs in a dehydrator is perhaps the best options. To keep the flavors from mixing and mingling, I only dry one type of herb at a time. I own two dehydrators, so I can actually dry two types of herbs at a time. Choose leaves from the top of the plant. that I went back to this method for the oregano. Drying oregano only takes 1 hour in the oven. Air drying works best with herbs that do not have a high moisture content, like bay, dill, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, summer savory, and thyme. Light and air will degrade the flavor of the herb. Storing Dry Oregano. For the most flavorful greens, harvest herbs before the herb plants bloom. This is the dehydrator that I own. Here is a step by step guide on how you can process herbs using a dehydrator: 1. The Best Herbs for Drying . Snip stems from the plants at a leaf junction. With most devices, you will use the lowest setting to dry oregano. In areas with higher humidity, temperatures as high as 125°F may be needed. Hanging Dry. Keep track of the herbs you cut so you know what you are drying. Then, I just stack the dehydrator trays, flip the switch and leave them to do their thing. After drying oregano and harvesting the leaves, you need to store them in a dark, dry location to preserve the most flavor. After it’s dried, crumble it up and put in a jar. Some people will argue that hanging and drying is better. Drying them will allow you to store them for longer periods. Not only did it work great but it was even quicker! Dry oregano will last for … Just pull, wash, and pat the leaves dry. Drying herbs in a dehydrator is a fast and simple process. While it is okay to dry herbs that you have bought, your own harvest would be fresher. If mold is an issue, we recommend using a small commercial dehydrator. We’re assuming that you will be drying herbs that you have gathered and harvested yourself. It’s effective. Many other garden herbs lose their intensity when dried, but oregano always seems to be a winner. QUICK REFERENCE: Dry Thyme at 95-115F (35-46C) for 2-6 hours, depending on your dehydrator. Drying Oregano in the Oven. Check your leaves after 24 hours to see how they’re progressing. Set on the lowest setting and check the next day. Line them in your dehydrator trays. Gather your herbs from the garden early in the day. Place the oregano stems on the food dehydrator’s trays and follow the appliance’s instructions for drying herbs. Use glass bottles or airtight plastic containers. Pre-heat dehydrator with the thermostat set to 95°F to 115°F. Harvesting. Dehydrator – Quickest Option. I personally prefer to dry my herbs in the dehydrator, especially if I process a larger batch. 1. You can leave small leaves on the stems, but remove larger leaves from thick stems to shorten the drying time. The oregano will usually be completely dry in one day, though some larger leaves may require a little bit more time in the dehydrator until they’re completely dried out. Always preheat your dehydrator when you begin to prep your produce, and dehydrate at the appropriate temperatures. How to Dry Mint worked so well (enjoying a cup of mint tea right now!) Drying times will vary depending on the moisture content of your herbs. Dehydrator drying is a fast and easy way to dry high quality herbs because temperature and air circulation can be controlled. To hang dry herbs, tie sprigs or branches into small bunches (large, dense bunches can develop mold and discolored leaves). Coupled with the fact that oregano is so prolific, you can really capture a lot of flavor from each plant. A food dehydrator will be the most reliable and efficient solution since it was designed to remove moisture from herbs and other food items. Separate thyme sprigs, and remove bad sprigs. Place your herbs on the dehydrator racks that came with your dehydrator. Place the herbs on the dehydrator trays in a single layer.

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