Why might this be the case? To what extent do your agree or disagree. Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest times of most people's lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree? The only way to reduce the amount of traffic in cities today is by reducing the need for people to travel from home for work, education or shopping. Some people think that all TV entertainment programs should educate people about the importance of social issues. They feel that this time should be used to do more school work. Does this situation have more advantages or more disadvantages? Do you think this is a Task 2 holds about 66% of the writing task scores. Although some of these changes have been negative, the overall effect of this technology has been positive. What can be done to reduce violence in our society today? Increasing price of the petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. With access to the internet and social media websites, many children are exposed to a number of dangerous situations. Pick one of the topics and improve your writing skills every day. Other think that adult life brings more happiness, in spite of greater responsibilities. some people think books are losing importance as a source of information and entertainment. Include. IELTS Essay 1211 - Should we discourage people to use cars? A summary of at least 250 words is expected to be written by the students. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Discuss both sides and give your opinion. What do you think is the ideal for the students? Some people think that sport is very important for society. Some people consider price as most important thing to consider when buying a product (such as a cell phone) or a service (e.g. Keep in mind that the provided questions are not predictions. In the modern society, it is no longer necessary to slaughter animals for producing food, or non-food products such as clothes or medicine. To what extent do you agree or disagree? In many countries, people do not recycle their rubbish as much as they could. Others, however, think that change is To what extent do you agree or disagree? Others say there are advantages to living in a big apartment building. May 2020 Writing Task 2 What do you think are the causes of this? Suggest solutions. These IELTS writing task 2 essay topics are some of the finest which were selected and reviewed by the experts. To what extent do you agree or disagree? To what extent do you agree or disagree? Television dominates the free-time of too many people. Instead, the money should be spent on improving individuals health . Some people believe that the government should be responsible for taking care of the disadvantaged members of society like unemployed and homeless people. These are solely meant for helping all the IELTS test aspirants. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend? Increasing price of the petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. What other measures that you think might be effective? A hundred years ago, people think that the human race is steadily improving in every area of life. The essay can be fairly personal in style. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Some people think that people should be given right to use fresh water as they like. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. What are the advantageous and disadvantageous of this trend? Discuss both these views and give your opinion. Some people think that Information technologies have more disadvantages than advatages. What is your opinion? Some people think all TV entertainment programmes should aim to educate viewers about important social issue. Dicuss the advantages and disadvantages of this and give your own opinion. IELTS Essay 1210 - How much can we trust the journalists? Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things In view of this, smoking should be banned in all public places , even though this would restrict some people's freedom of action. Some people think it's better to choose friends who always have the same opinions as them. It can make people lazy and prevent them from socialising with others. Too much money is spent by individuals and governments on making themselves and the areas they live in look beautiful. What are the possible consequences? Researching and treating diseases is too costly. To what extent do you agree or disagree? IELTS Writing Task 2 Questions What is the basic structure for IELTS Writing Task 2 in the IELTS Exam?. To what extent do you agree or disagree with these opinions? Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Do you agree or disagree? What other challenges face young people today. People today increasingly use credit cards to make monthly purchases.

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