Similar Deck Space Auto-suggestions. Jeskai Ascendancy is one of the more unusual combo decks available in Modern. Edit. Edit Live Edit. You tap your Sylvan Caryatid to cast Sleight of Hand Jeskai Ascendancy Combo EDH Commander / EDH* RGWU. TCGPlayer 3353.33 - 9423.50 . Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. Jeskai Ascendancy Combo, or JAC for short, is something that I can best describe as “interesting storm”. Jeskai Ascendancy combo is full of 1-drops with a lean mana curve AND has an easier “infinite” combo! Playtest v1. Card Kingdom 4634.48 - 9465.28 . So it’s time to unleash the secret weapon on this Standard season and show the … Unfortunately I did not play in that tournament, and the deck was not there at all. Upvote 0. Ariecserpent. The goal is to pair a mana creature (Sylvan Caryatid is best, due to hexproof) with the namesake enchantment and a bunch of cheap cantrips. While it is a linear combo deck, the way we end up winning the game each time we play it is going to vary.

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