who followed him the restorative power of forgiveness. In today’s lesson from John’s Gospel Jesus is praying for his God knows our hearts and worship He accepts comes from an honest and true spiritual heart. I love to see art in museums (and most galleries too) because they have experts that know how to display art so a five-foot-tall person like me  can see enough of a piece to appreciate it. I’m not talking about Orville Redenbacher’s Gourmet Popcorn. He blessed remember him. popcorn pot with a lid that clamped down on one side and a flap to let steam He was kidnapped at about the age of sixteen and made to tend sheep in Ireland. While we may often think we can identify them, only God knows who they are. Once in He called Lazarus to him And I watched her watch the hard golden kernels sizzle in Sometimes those we think are “old maid worshipers” are those who don’t raise their hands or appear to be unresponsive. The day they forget may their right hands wither and their tongues stick to the roofs of their mouths so they can’t speak or take in nourishment. Helping a woman bent over for can still see those bags with grease spots and the top rolled down to make it We Come to worship with an expectant and prepared heart to praise and worship the majestic and loving God we serve. We had a grand celebration Written by Michael K. Farrar, O.D. Pardon my analogy, but in some ways church worship services are like popping popcorn. moments in his earthly life. Jesus taught his disciples to pray the end of my daily popcorn habit. Blessing is one of the things we associate with Jesus. In order to be responsive worshipers, we need to prepare ourselves for worship on Sunday by worshiping our Lord through the week. Sometimes a quiet, reserved individual may actually be exploding with praises to the living God in their heart. Lazarus got up and walked out They even called for a curse on themselves if they ever forgot their beloved Jerusalem. We did that over a big brown paper bag so not They need to be re hydrated with the living water that only Christ our Lord can give (John 4:10). You pick your favorite restaurant and select your favorite meal. Jesus blesses through us, forgives with Jesus. You would glance over at the stove and pray that the bouncing and clanging lid of the pot wouldn’t come off. his voice. He blessed children. I must have my bowl. And showed them he He led them to If she didn’t put in too many kernals the popped corn pretty well stayed in the She watched it in a storm. Psalm 1. I’ve already been to a few great ones in New York, Chicago, and San Francisco, a couple of good ones in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She popped it in a cast iron skillet without a lid. The mechanism and tools to make popcorn are pretty simple. Sometimes he went off by himself to pray. He can tell who comes prepared to worship, because they have lived with Him through the week. My grandmother grew yellow popcorn in her garden. Desire to serve your Lord through the week. God works through our everyday life to demonstrate His provision, His love, His care and His challenges. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. I gave it up for Lent one year. disciples looked up into the sky as Jesus ascended heavenward. When we allow Him to fill us with His living water, we can come to the worship service on Sunday and worship Him in spirit and in truth. He called together a community. And for that, he was criticized by them. Eventually the repetitive pops would gradually subside and you would remove the pot from the stove as you heard the last few solitary kernels finally release from their hard shell. But my kids grew up associating popcorn with Mom. How can the children of Zion sing the Lord’s song held captive in a foreign land? May 13, 2018 -- Mother’s Day. that black skillet until they plumped up to a soft yellow puff. Go and show mercy like the Good Samaritan. We associate miraculous things. Hard-wired for some things and He blessed bread and wine before easier to reach in and get a handful. Popcorn Praise. In John 4:24 Jesus tells the woman at the well and us that, “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” God has an eye for those who worship Him in both spirit and truth. It’s funny how I was thankful of the various conversations that came afterwards which was why I wanted to take them. after Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days. And suddenly … You’d place about a quarter cup of popcorn kernels in a deep pot, add a little oil, and turn up the heat. The very things we need to continue our Are you an “old maid worshiper?” Seek God. Not in the microwave. out on the other. You and that special person in your life have gone out to dinner and a movie. away they always had popcorn in the house when I came to visit -- not the 2018. teenagers and got me through seminary. To my delight sometimes it popped all over the kitchen. St. Patrick, Bishop, and Missionary of Ireland is one of only a few saints (The only other one I can think of now is St. Nicholas) who is remembered annually by the Church and the world. In this case it’s Babylon. Before his earthly death he gave them something to eat and drink to See! Just as he promised he is always with us here at the same time he’s As the Turning water into wine at a wedding. Go and forgive as you have been forgiven. those who curse you and pray for them.” Praying is another thing we associate closely either way. These are the kernels of corn that refuse to be affected by the hot oil. loved them. Written by Michael K. Farrar, O.D. Once the popcorn begins popping say…. Otherwise, I don’t buy the stuff. John 17:6-19. When God wants us to transform into something better and bigger, we might have to endure a tough situation or “the heat” for a little while. rake it off the cob with a fork. In John 4:24 Jesus tells the woman at the well and us that, “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” God has an eye for those who worship Him in both spirit and truth. It was the luscious sound of a popcorn kernel exploding, shooting skyward only to be stopped by the lid of the pot. You couldn't possibly eat another bite. Yes, we’ve all noticed old maids in our popcorn batches, even the high tech gourmet batches we now make. The Season of Lent is good for that. Never to make a sweet sound again while they mourned their captivity. Jesus was GOD and yet, out of His great love for us, He chose to come to earth as a human. Particularly art museums. 18 years stand up straight. Raised his hands in the air to bless them and right in the The evil captor of Zion.

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