patient go into one and stay there, but very glad to have somebody in the other. "Despondent." Throbbing, burning and tickling in the chest. sore throat is better from swallowing warm drinks. This goes on for days and months. The stomach symptoms are worse or brought on from cold drinks, beer, coffee or fruit, and a diarrhoea follows. The Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent was written in 1905. "Apprehensiveness, difficult breathing and fearfulness." patients have diarrhoea and all kinds of stool. The tendency is to suppuration of these glands, and swellings about the neck in scarlet fever and diphtheria. This religious melancholy grows greater and greater until he sits and broods. It is suitable in various dropsies, associated with liver and heart affections. establishes a reaction, the breasts begin to grow, the womanly bearing begins to come, and the child becomes a woman. The Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent was written in 1905. One distinguishing feature is that with the Lycopodium headache, if he eats something, the headache is better while the Cactus headache is worse from eating. A lawyer cannot think of appearing in court; he procrastinates, he delays until he is obliged to appear, because he has a fear that he will stumble, that he will make mistakes, that he will forget, and yet when he undertakes it he goes through with ease and comfort. phos. L. Lycopodium Lycopodium James Tyler Kent. In acute stages of disease, where the red sand appears copiously, Lyc. headache related to catarrhal states. Emaciation of single members. There is a predominance of symptoms on the RIGHT SIDE of the body, and they are likely to travel from RIGHT TO LEFT or FROM ABOVE DOWNWARD, E. G., from head to chest. Absence or suppression of menses for many months, the patient being withered, declining, pale and sallow, becoming feeble. The kidneys furnish many symptoms and may be the key to Lycopodium in many instances. Lyc. The FACE is sallow, sickly, pale, often withered, shrivelled and emaciated. He says a mouthful fills him up to the throat. It will throw out a greater amount of eruption at first, but this will subside finally and the child will return to health. Though classed among the inert substances, and thought to be useful only for rolling up allopathic pills, Hahnemann brought it into use and developed its power by attenuation. patient cannot eat oysters; they make him sick. The STOMACH and ABDOMINAL symptoms are intermingled. Presented by Médi-T LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM Club Moss (LYCOPODIUM) This drug is inert until the spores are crushed. The diaphragm is pushed upwards, infringing upon the lung and heart space, so that he has palpitation, faintness and dyspnoea. It is not uncommon to hear a Lycop. This sense of fullness may not come on until he has swallowed a mouthful of food; he goes to the table hungry, but the first mouthful fills him up. Lyc. Lyc. This dread of men is not always a state of dread in women. Lean, emaciated boys are subject to prolonged pains in the head. Oedema of the feet. among the remedies for neglected pneumonia, in difficult breathing from an accumulation of serum in the pleura and pericardium. Rattling in the chest, flapping of the wings of the nose and inability to expectorate. Dry, teasing cough. SULPHUR, GRAPH, and CALC. Much like ARSENICUM. The swelling is sometimes cellular and the neck muscles are involved. Patches will be seen one day on the right side and the next day on the left side. About the face also there is much twitching. MUR. the forehead wrinkles, and their wrinkles are somewhat alike. Drawing, tearing in the limbs at night; better by warmth of bed and motion. There is no tendency to repair and the history of the case is that the troubles have existed since an attack of bronchitis or pneumonia. While the abdomen is distended he is so nervous that he cannot endure any noise. The next important feature we notice are the THROAT symptoms. in the advanced stage of pneumonia. Lachesis is better from cold and has spasms of the throat from attempting to drink warm drinks, while Lyc. This is somewhat like a CACTUS headache. A lawyer cannot think of appearing in court; he procrastinates, he delays until he is obliged to appear, because he has a fear that he will stumble, that he will make mistakes, that he will forget, and yet when he undertakes it he goes through with ease and comfort. Lyc. crud., Bora.r and Natr. Much like Arsenicum. This state precedes conditions of insanity, and finally a suicidal state comes, an aversion to life. It has the zymosis. Dreads lest something will happen, lest he will forget something. are present, because the haemorrhoidal symptoms are numerous. state when deciphered shows feebleness throughout. The hives come out either in nodules or in long and irregular stripes, especially in the heat, and itching violently. He must eat with regularity or he will have the headache which he is subject to. Clumsiness and awkwardness of the limbs. Tel: +30 (24240) 65142, That is not Lyc. symptoms are present, will be cured by Lyc. may save the life of that patient. These substances that seem to be so inert in their crude form come out strongest when potentized and form medicines of wonderful use. Persons of feeble vitality, overwrought persons, overtired persons, with feeble genital organs, seldom need Phosphorus, but. It is not uncommon to hear a Lycop. It is a monument to Hahnemann. Right hypochondrium swollen as in liver troubles. "Sour stomach," sour vomiting, flatus, distension and pain after eating, with a sense of fullness. The head in general is closely related to one symptom, viz., red sand in the urine. the attacks come less frequently, the bilious secretion becomes normal and the gall stones have a spongy appearance as though being dissolved. He is tired. is a very important remedy to study in eczema of the infant. It is suitable in various dropsies, associated with liver and heart affections. In acute stages of disease, where the red sand appears copiously, Lyc. An exacerbation comes on in the acute complaints and often in the chronic complaints at this time. Lycopodium is an antipsoric, anti-syphilitic and anti-sycotic, and its sphere is broad and deep. I have mentioned sufficiently the gouty tendencies of the limbs and the nerve symptoms. patient, just as onions are a poison to the THUJA patient. One of the most prominent remedies in impotency. It has all manner of fevers, continued, intermittent and remittent. TART., the sooty nostrils being wide open and flapping. Awful "goneness," or weakness, in stomach, not relieved by eating (Digit.). Varicose veins of the legs. Inflammatory conditions with copious discharge, with red eyes, ulceration of the conjunctiva and lids, and granular lids. It is often a very distressing feature. The common sore throat will commence on the right side, the next day both sides will be affected, the inflammation having extended to the left side. The pains are ameliorated from warmth except of the head and spine. It is the case sometimes that Lyc. You go to a semi-conscious patient suffering from cerebral congestion and watch him; he is wild, the eyes are glassy, the forehead wrinkled and the tendency is to activity of the mind. Old chronic dyspeptics, emaciated, wrinkled, tired and angular patients, everything eaten turns to wind. The Lycopodium headache is < from heat, from the warmth of the bed, and from lying down, > from cold, from the cold air, and from having the windows open. Patches on the face and eczematous eruptions behind the ears, bleeding and oozing a watery fluid, sometimes yellowish watery. Lyc. visitors; she wants to be only with those that are constantly surrounding her; does not want to be entirely alone; wants to feel that there is somebody in the house, but does not want company; does not want to be talked to, or forced to do anything; does not want to make any exertion, yet at times when forced to do so she is relieved. Stool hard, difficult, small and incomplete. Nervous excitement and prostration are marked. Finally night sweats, with fever in the afternoon from 4 to 8 o'clock, come on. headache related to catarrhal states. In an unusually warm bed, and in a warm room hives come out. state when deciphered shows feebleness throughout. It seems that she has not the vitality to menstruate. Ineffectual urging to stool. A marked feature of Lyc., and one of the most prominent of all remedies, is polyuria during the night. The face is often covered with copper-colored eruptions, such as we find in syphilis, and hence it is that Lyc. The head symptoms are worse from warm wraps and warm bed. When that is destroyed, we see what a wonderful thing has been destroyed. PHOS. It is true that the headache is worse from motion enough to warm the patient up, but not from the motion itself. These pains are sometimes found in chronic intermittent fever and are cured by this remedy.

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