Arnold, London, U.K. 686 p. Hare, F.K. Res. Chang, Y.P. A Handbook of Coniferae including Ginkgoaceae, 3rd (1948) ed. as forming the northernmost limit of tree growth in North America. Ont. [61] The age of the belt was not recorded, but adjoining 66-year-old stands may have been of the same vintage. Rep. 1896, Vol. In Labrador, white spruce is not abundant and constitutes less than 5% of the forest, with a range that coincides very closely with that of black spruce but extending slightly further north (Wilton 1964).[48]. 1. [103][104][105] This sensitivity is a major constraint affecting young trees planted without overstorey nurses in boreal climates (Sutton 1992).[106]. 1. 4:1–264, 1–149, 1–59 [German summary p 1–59]. Can. 42:251–255. (1955). They have thin, flexible scales 15 mm (0.59 in) long, with a smoothly rounded margin. Rep. 36. 1950. Branch, Ottawa ON, Tech. "Tree breeding in Canada.". 176 p. Fernald, M.L. Branch, Ottawa ON, Publ. [32][77][78] White spruce makes good growth on well-drained lacustrine soils in Alberta Mixedwoods (Heger 1971),[79] on moderately-well-drained clay loams in Saskatchewan (Kabzems 1971),[80] and on melanized loams and clays (with sparse litter and a dark-coloured organically-enriched mineral horizon) in the Algoma district of Ontario (Wilde et al. 287. Stiell, W.M. [4], Numerous cultivars of various sizes, colours and shapes have been selected for use in parks and gardens. 36:7–47. Can. Scoggan, H.J. [71] Wilde (1966)[85] gave 4.7 to 6.5 as the approximate optimum range of pH for white spruce in Wisconsin, but optimum growth seems possible at pH levels up to 7.0 and perhaps higher (Sutton 1968). During the summer solstice, day length values range from 17 hours at its southern limits to 24 hours above the Arctic Circle.[7]. A natural progression of hardening and dehardening occurs in concert with the seasons (Glerum 1985). As the temperature rises in summer and the environment is dry, water can be sprayed in the air and on the leaf surface to cool and moisturize the leaves. planted conifer in the nursery trade. Canada Dep. Can. White spruce is an associated species in the following Eastern Forest cover types, by the Society of American Foresters: In the Boreal Forest Region: (1) jack pine, (5) balsam fir, (12) black spruce, (16) aspen, (18) paper birch, and (38) tamarack. The spruces. The late summer and fall group includes the common spruce-fir looper (Semiothisa signaria dispuncta Walker) and the similar hemlock angle (moth) Macaria fissinotata Walker on hemlock, the small spruce loopers Eupithecia species, the gray spruce looper Caripeta divisata Walker, occasionally abundant, the black-dashed hydriomena moth (Hydriomena divisaria Walker), and the whitelined looper (Eufidonia notataria Walker). 1943. p. 11–18, Heikinheimo, O. Quart J. Danish Heath Soc., Copenhagen. We employ a dendrochronological approach to examine spatial variation in radial tree growth-climate relationships and responses to global climate oscillations across the geographic ranges of Picea glauca and Picea engelmannii.Tree-ring chronologies were constructed for 77 sites and analyzed using correlation coefficients for monthly climatic variables. Dallimore, W.; Jackson, A.B. ; White, D.P. 103 p. Lacate, D.S. Sargent, C.S. Res. Northern Affairs and National Resources, Nat. Dep. p. 160–189, Jonsson, B.G. (2015). Brayshaw, T.C. The boreal bioclimates. The effect of leaf litter upon establishment of white spruce beneath paper birch. Cones open at moisture contents of 45% to 70% and specific gravities of 0.6 to 0.8 (Cram and Worden 1957, Zasada 1973, Winston and Haddon 1981). [83] Soil fertility holds the key not just to white spruce growth but to the distribution of the species. Geogr. tall and two-thirds as wide, an annual growth rate of around 4 inches USDA, For. 1994). Rowe, J.S. Northern Affairs National Resources, For. [7] The understory is dominated by feather mosses (Hylocomium splendens and Pleurozium schreberi, Ptilium crista-castrensis, and Dicranum spp. Spacing plants properly is essential. 7. Notes 26:2. "Vegetation, soils, and forest productivity in selected forest types in interior Alaska. 53 p. Viereck, L.A. (1973). Hustich (1966)[47] depicted Picea spp. 1957. A low rate of growth is under 12 inches a year. TRINOMIAL TYPE: Cultivar White spruce is of major economic importance in Canada for its wood, harvested for paper-making and construction. Houghton and Mifflin, Boston, 510 p., reprinted 1961 in 2 volumes, Dover Publications, New York NY, Vol. p. 137–195, Pelletier, J.R. (1966). Bull. One of the hardiest conifers, white spruce in parts of its range withstands mean daily January temperature of −6.7 °C (19.9 °F) and extreme minimum temperatures as low as −56.5 °C (−69.7 °F); minimum temperatures of −50 °C (−58 °F) are general throughout much of the range except the southernmost and southeasternmost parts (Fowells 1965). 1950. ", Stoeckeler, J.H. After 10 years of growth, a mature specimen will measure 4 feet (1.3 m) 1879)[62][63] and Scotland (United Kingdom Forestry Commission 1920). [92] High-lime ecotypes may exist (Pelletier 1966),[93] and in Canada Forest Section B8 the presence of balsam poplar and white spruce on some of the moulded moraines and clays seems to be correlated with the considerable lime content of these materials (Rowe 1972, Stiell 1976),[32][94] while calcareous soils are favourable sites for northern outliers of white spruce (Hustich 1953). But, occasionally, with optimal site conditions and a source of seed, white spruce will invade with the hardwoods or within a few years thereafter, thereby producing even-aged white spruce stands without an intervening hardwood stage. Manual of the Trees of North America, 2nd corrected ed. Div., Ottawa ON, Project MS-135, Silv. Pilea glauca 'Red Stem Tears' is a low growing plant with a trailing growth habit that will rapidly form a good sized mat. Fertility of transplant fields at the Prince Albert Forest Nursery. Fish. Zasada, J.C. 1973. A modern sylva or a discourse of forest trees. tall and wide. Floodplain deposits in the Northwest Territory, Canada, are important in relation to the development of productive forest types with a component of white spruce (Jeffrey 1964). Plant and Soil 217(1/2):215–228. Genetic control of female flower color and random mating in white spruce. The type shows little variation. The full-grown larvae of the larvae vary in length from 15 mm to 35 mm. Serv., Washington DC, Misc. Some feed briefly in the fall and complete their feeding in the spring; others feed mainly in the summer; still others feed mainly in the late summer and fall. 291 p. Bell, R. 1881. The leaves are needle-like, 12 to 20 mm (1⁄2 to 13⁄16 in) long, rhombic (diamond-shaped) in cross-section, glaucous blue-green above (hence glauca) with several thin lines of stomata, and blue-white below with two broad bands of stomata. "Interaction of temperature, moisture, and soil chemistry in controlling nutrient cycling and ecosystem development in the taiga of Alaska." For., Bull. Dep. Growth Rate This tree grows at a medium rate, with height increases of 13–24" per year. Serv., Ottawa ON, Bull. [7] Topography, soil conditions, and glaciation may also be important in controlling northern limits of spruce (Drew and Shanks 1965).[53]. 15 p. Kabzems, A. The forests of Labrador. Note PNW-129. [7], White spruce grows in soils with pH values of 4.7–7.0, although they have been found in soils as acidic as 4.0 in subalpine fir forests in the Northwest Territories. The crown is narrow – conic in young trees, becoming cylindric in older trees. Turku A.II, Vol. 1980. Improved white spruce (Picea glauca) genome assemblies and annotation of large gene families of conifer terpenoid and phenolic defense metabolism. In a narrow belt of mixed Norway and white spruces over an extremely exposed hilltop crest at high elevation in northern England, the Norway spruce were “completely dwarfed” whereas the white spruce had reached heights of between 3 and 4.3 m (Guillebaud et al. Houghton Mifflin, Riverside Press, Cambridge, Boston MA. Woody-plant Seed Manual. Northern Affairs and National Resour., For. Dame, L.L. II. (1976). In the United States, the range of white spruce extends into Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Alaska (Sargent 1922, Harlow and Harrar 1950),[28][38] where it reaches the Bering Strait in 66°44′ N" at Norton Bay and the Gulf of Alaska at Cook Inlet (Nienstaedt and Zasada 1990). One of the most popular slow-growing blue spruces for good reason. p.81; White spruce–Aspen. 171 p. Wilde, S.A.; Voigt, G.K.; Pierce, R.S. Nisbet (1905)[55] noted that firmly-rooted white spruce served very well to stabilize windswept edges of woods in Germany. Newly flushed shoots of white spruce are very sensitive to spring frost (Smith 1949, Rowe 1955, McLeod 1964). Teich, A.H. 1970. Smith, B.J. GROWTH SIZE: Dwarf: 1 to 6 inches (2.5 – 15 cm) per year / 1 to 5 feet (0.3 – 1.5 m) after 10 years, Sign up for our free quarterly E-newsletter List.

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