Among this, about 95% of this nitrogen is excreted as urea through urine. It primarily consists of water, organic substance such as urea, uric acid, trace amounts of enzymes, carbohydrates and hormones. An infection, usually bacterial, in the urinary structures is called: Build a word that means surgical repair of the meatus: A narrowing or stricture of the urethra is called. The enzyme urease decomposes urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide. Urea is present mainly in the urine of all mammals, but it also occurs in blood, bile and milk. The urine test that reflects the amount of wastes, minerals, and solids in the urine is called: Specific gravity The abnormal condition of the kidney characterized by marked proteinuria and edema (swelling) is called: Urease Test Material Required Spatula. A healthy adult person normally excretes about 15g of nitrogen per day. Funded by MeitY (Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology), English The urea thus formed then passes to the kidneys and is finally excreted from the body through the urine. Developed by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham & CDAC Mumbai. The presence of pus cells in the urine is called: Which laboratory test indicates renal function? We have step-by-step solutions for your textbooks written by … If the urine is kept exposed to the atmosphere, it splits and ammonia gets released due to bacterial activity. The presence of urea in the given urine sample is indicated by the presence of brisk effervescence of nitrogen around the test tube. b. malignant … It is a common sign of a metabolic disorder, high protein/low carb diet, starvation, or diabetes mellitus. … Students understand how urea is produced in our body. Build a word that means inflammation of the kidney. The surgical fixation of the bladder is called: The visual examination of the bladder for evidence of pathology, to obtain biopsies, and to remove pathological tissue is called: Build a word that means softening of the kidney: Surgical repair of the renal pelvis is called: Which abbreviation refers to a battery of tests performed on a urine specimen? Similarly, if the kidneys are not healthy, they may not properly filter urea. Urea vs Urine There are differences between urea and urine though both are considered as the nitrogenous waste products that are excreted through the urinary system in animals. A healthy adult person normally excretes about 15g of nitrogen per day. Students will be able to do the experiment more accurately in the real lab once they understand the steps through the animation and simulation. The colour of phenol red indicator changes from yellow to red in this reaction mixture. In the medical term hyperuricemia, what is the suffix? The presence of an abnormally large quantity of protein in the urine is called. The abnormal presence of ketone bodies in the urine is called _____. मराठी. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The urea thus formed then passes to the kidneys and is finally excreted from the body through the urine. Wilms tumor is a: a. malignant tumor of the kidney, usually occurring in children. The condition in which the bladder herniates into the vagina is called: Inflammation of the serous membrane that surrounds the abdominopelvic cavity is called: An abnormal dilation of the renal pelvis due to accumulation of urine that cannot flow past the obstruction is called: The condition in which excess amounts of urea, creatinine, and uric acid build up in the blood is called: The two most common causes of end-stage renal disease include diabetes and: An involuntary delay in initiating urination is called: Build a word that means record of the renal pelvis, Build a word that means inflammation of the urethra. Urea is naturally produced during the process of breakdown of proteins. To detect the presence of urea in the given sample of urine. These amino groups are converted to highly toxic ammonia (NH3), and the ammonia thus produced is finally converted to urea by the liver. The presence of abnormally large amounts of urea in the blood is called: uremia. The presence of abnormally large amounts of urea in the blood is called: A procedure in which high-frequency sound waves produce images of the bladder to determine bladder volume and identify incomplete bladder emptying is called: Which abbreviation refers to chronic renal failure? Hematuria A procedure in which high-frequency sound waves produce images of … 2. Suspension or fixation of a floating or moveable kidney is called: An incision that enlarges the urethral opening to relieve urethral stenosis is called: Which test determines the causative organism of an infection and identifies how the organism responds to various antibiotics? Other constituents include urea… Urine is a liquid produced by the kidneys to remove waste products from the bloodstream. ketonuria The need to …

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