quantum computing. 1. Quantum Computation: a Tutorial 1 Quantum Computation: a Tutorial Beno^ t Valiron University of Pennsylvania, Department of Computer and Information Science, 3330 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19104-6389, USA [email protected] Received 15 April 2012 Abstract This tutorial is the rst part of a series of two articles on quantum computation. will be described in detail in this tutorial in order to better elucidate the study of quantum computing theory and quantum algorithm design. Just as classical physics uses calculus to explain nature, quantum physics uses quantum mechanics to explain nature. Chief Scientist - NCSU IBM Q Hub. D-wave systems 'The quantum Computing company' are in the process of producing a large scale qubit system using similar Josephson Junction technology Possible cryptography applications, and integrating with current optical quantum technology IBM's 7 qubit 'molecule' D-wave's 16 qubit device . 14-April-2019 Introduction to Quantum Computing - ASPLOS Tutorial Patrick Dreher Quantum Computing - Grover’s Algorithm Programming Quantum Computers: A Primer with IBM Q and D -Wave Exercises Patrick Dreher NC State University. Just as classical computers can be thought of in boolean algebra terms, quantum computers are reasoned about with quantum mechanics. 14-April-2019 Introduction to Quantum Computing - ASPLOS Tutorial Patrick Dreher. Quantum mechanics is a mathematical language, much like calculus.

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