In plain English, this means that instead of healing completely when the umbilical cord stump fell off, some tissue remained. The belly button that forms as a result will look like an open sore, but it will not look red or infected. 1 year old red belly button: My son is 15 months old and for the past month has had a red belly button inside.. My 7 month old baby girl's belly button is red. I am worried he belly button had reopened and sealed back up. I cannot find anything about it and I am concerned. Welcome to Easy Baby Life – your one-stop shop for positive parenting tips and tools from pregnancy and on! However, since you daughter's belly button did heal well I am positive that this is not the reason for her belly button to turn red. During the first few weeks The open sore of the belly button will heal slowly during the first 2-4 weeks after delivery and it should be healed completely by the time your baby turns 2 months old. Still has some yellow fluid leaking. 1997-2020 All rights reserved. Now, he may have to have surgery????? I have taken him to see 2 different docs and both have said it's prob dry or irritated and suggested to put vasaline or bapanthem.. thing is none of this has helped and I'm worrying why this won't go away! We are going through same . He is four months old now and it seems to be reopening a little bit. It was red and raw,  so the doctor put silver nitrate on it. My baby is 8 weeks and the dr. has done silver nitrate twice and his bellybutton is still open after a few days…did anything ever come of your situation with your child? HELP! Some of the advice from Moms is: "Red and Crusty Belly Button", Do You Clean Your Baby's Belly Button?, 3-Year-old's Belly Button Issues If your son’s umbilical granuloma appears to be coming back, you’d probably want to discuss it with his doctor. My 3 1/2 year old son's belly button has become red and irritated over the past 3-4 days. There is a condition called umbilical granuloma that can cause the baby's belly button to turn red and lumpy, but it appears because the belly button heals more slowly than expected. He has an incredible "innie" and it has some crusty discharge coming from it. 14 votes, 20 comments. Did you find any information about your baby’s? The surgeon says he has no other solution rather than surgery, did anyone have experience such condition, plz help us. Depending on how it develops, a new treatment with silver nitrate or other treatment may be recommended. Toddler complaining of sore bum: my 3year old son has a sore bum: 14 mo has pot belly - should I be worried? I’m just wondering what the end result was so that possibly I can Help my baby’s close…. Thanks for the support! If you search, you can find a study where they tested the salt treatment and found it highly effective with no side effects. And it happens to me too when I sweat a lot. The umbilical cord stump does take a little while to dry up and fall off, and the area can look a bit red and raw in the beginning but should heal quickly. He put silver nitrate on it which help it dry up and cleared it after 3-4 treatments – 1 treatment was not enough. could not use silver nitrate as that might risk sealing together folds of skin that should not be) … and so she referred my son to a pediatric surgeon????? Unless the granuloma appears to be infected or is oozing, you probably don’t have worry much about it, but if you think it did heal completely before, it is a bit odd that it is coming back now. If a hernia becomes inflamed or tender, seek medical attention. We subscribe to the HONcode principles of the. It finally closed up about two days later. 2 year old boy has a swollen belly button, theirs a red ring about 1.5 in around ... My baby girl is 7 month old and she has 1cm belly button (hernia). I used it on everything my son had while I was feeding him. We have put some peroxide in it for the past 2 nights and then some neosporin tonight. MD. My 9 month old son just got a bath and as I'm drying him off I noticed the inside of his belly button is red. Most likely it didn’t heal 100% previously and is now showing a bit again. I was just changing my 11-month-old son’s diaper when I noticed his belly button was open. It happens in around 1 of 500 newborn babies. Its probably just red because it got wet and it didn't get dry or whatever. will bactrim (sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim) and neosporin help?" Nobody really knows why umbilical granulomas develop. ANSWERS See all . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Toddler complaining of sore bum: my 3year old son has a sore bum: 14 mo has pot belly - should I be worried? But no attachment to bladder. Answered by : Dr. Omprakash Ashokrao Deshmukh ( Pediatrician) Why is my belly button red and leaking? I have a belly button that is very red in the inside, it doesn’t - Answered by a verified Doctor We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Our family doctor sent us to a pediatrician a few weeks ago, and he’s been trying the silver nitrate – but after two attempts it has not worked at closing it. Hi! While giving my 4-month-old daughter a bath I noticed a dark spot on her belly button. When I tried to look at it closer, she cried so I guess it hurt. After reading the previous comments I am planning to try that salt trick… I will let you all know how it goes! Umbilical granuloma: When to see a doctor, Umbilical Granuloma: Modern Understanding of Etiopathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Management. I would go back to the doctors. She then said there was nothing she could do since he was so old (i.e. What are some ... 4 years ago. On the off chance you're  breast feeding, breast milk heals everything. An umbilical granuloma looks like a moist,  red, or pink little lump and the area may also be a bit infected. ... have an infection and it might be dry skin in there so every night before you put him/her to bed then load his/her belly button with vasaline and cover it … A week before we tried silver nitrate too but nothing worked. It is not … Meet other parents of December 2019 babies and share the joys and challenges as your children grow. Hiya, All contents copyright © BabyCenter, L.L.C. When a baby’s belly button is opening up and is red and sore, it can be an umbilical granuloma. Noting came out. You can read about what to expect regarding umbilical cord stumps’ healing process here. Nappy rash, dry skin, sore eyes, belly button stump. If you buy something through a link on this site, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. This is an abnormal condition and needs to be treated asap, see your dr. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, most rashes are harmless and clear up on their own. He is on antibiotics now becoz they think it could be infected . This latter treatment has shown to be very effective and without healing issues. My 7mnth baby’s navel never healed properly. My son is 4 months old and we are still dealing with this issue. Anyone experience this before?????? While cleaning it out the scab came off and we pressed to look for oozing. We have changed to a new commenting system. She suffered with pain ... doctor and it was told that it is quite normal and the button shall disappear in 2 to 3... View answer.

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