If your needs are not explicitly mentioned below, that's okay! They used the laser cutter to etch their maps, but then really didn’t know what they wanted to do next… With some brainstorming, they decided to use LEDs to illuminate different critical locations on their maps, and ALSO to use the MaKeyMaKey to give viewers of their maps more information about each of those locations. This was a deceptively simple little project with some very complex innards… These two teachers programmed an Arduino to take input from two sonar-based distance sensors to send a random compliment (from a set of text strings the group developed) to offer viewers a compliment when they approached the box. I'm interested in hearing more about Getting Smart's: Website AdsPodcast AdsSponsored PostsSponsored NewslettersOther. However, I’d *just* learned about LittleBits and was confident that system could be used to achieve their goal! The two spaces pictured included the “emotional regulation cubby” (where students can retreat when overstimulated or in need of soothing) and the “private art-viewing booth” (where viewers can view art individually even within a crowded space). They killed it! This teacher produced a beautiful and simple work of art using laser cutting and an LED string from a LittleBits kit. This group was consistently very focused on design… Their intent was to design and prototype hacks that could be implemented on nearly any standard classroom furniture to improve the flexibility, storage, and usability in a “maker” context. If I have said anything that understates the truth and indicates my having a patience that allows me to settle for anything less than brotherhood, I beg God to forgive me. DigiKey! Laser cutting (Adobe Illustrator), MaKeyMaKey, Scratch programming, (some might say “excessive”) ambition. Use a 4 jaw chuck and make this shiny metal dice a great starter pack and also you can make good use of the scrap materials here. I hope you do as well. Hummingbird Robotics, MakeDo, cardboard and killer craftsmanship. This is a dead easy project for something that’s actually pretty useful. If you would like to contribute to this discussion by submitting blogs, topic ideas, relevant reports, photos and/or podcast ideas, click here to learn more. All it takes to make the items shown here are some basic tools, a pair of tin snips, and the metal brake featured in ShopNotes No. The example project they built out was a unit around water conservation, demonstrating their proposed format for a fully-integrated unit. This June, the third DDD was held at Marymount School in New York City. Our challenges and opportunities are shared and it’s never been easier, or more important to make a difference. Reopening Schools; Equity Work; Difference Making Our challenges and opportunities are shared and it’s never been easier, or more important to make a difference. She prototyped a great personal sound booth that folds up neatly for storage, holds the user’s iPad easily, includes a curtain to close off additional sound from behind the user and quiet fan to keep the inside from becoming stifling. Laser cutter, vinyl cutter, design thinking! It is often difficult to come across good Projects to do in Metalwork that will be both enjoyable and helpful in terms of learning new skills and improving on those already learned. Please submit your name and email and you will be given a link to download our free Getting Ready Leadership Guide. They designed and laser-cut the front facade of their school, and 3D designed and printed a side-building, then sought me out for help with their electronics idea: they wanted to create a feature that would illuminate the pathway to first aid and disaster stations when activated by a user walking by. The premise is simple: start with a quick tour of the facility and very brief show-and-tell of the tools (less than 30 minutes! The metalworking projects on Instructables have always been some of my favorites! She scanned in several of her students’ drawings and converted them to laser-cuttable files with the intent of making the segments even more reconfigurable as stamps! You have entered an incorrect email address! The first year was a wonderful learning experience for everyone – coaches and participants alike. This group had an interesting brainstorming process that ended up far from their original plans… they were interested in incorporating learning about animals and habitats, they really wanted to incorporate Hummingbird Robotics kits, they wanted something immediately applicable back at their schools, AND they were interested in wearables. In the pictures below, you can see the “open” and “closed” configurations of the different items: a locking table-extension that reveals tool storage when opened, benches that contain storage compartments, and (my favorite) a bench that opens to reveal project trays, so students can move and store their projects flat without needing to sweep everything into a bin. ), then form groups to jump into projects. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will have more influence on the lives and livelihoods of young people over the next few decades than any other factor. The button must to show the subject area they learned about (ie. Lego MindStorms, Laser cutting (Adobe Illustrator), 3D printing (Tinkercad). Once the students had made their four buttons, their task in the maker space would be to create a video game around the theme of water conservation in Scratch and use a MaKey MaKey to create a controller for that video game using the buttons! For two days, I jumped in to help groups, learned new tools myself (LittleBits! They also endeavored to create a sculpture that would encourage collaboration – in order to activate all of the “D”s, multiple people must work together to activate all of the sensors! With this in mind, they started by creating a blank template – which they’re sharing here! Episodes cover a variety of education topics in K-12, HigherEd and lifelong learning. Metal working is one of my favorite things to do! I really like all of these instructables and have tried most of them out my self. Because my colleagues are overachievers, they also completed a second project! In June 2014, I attended the second Design Do Discover conference at Castilleja School in Palo Alto, CA. Arduino, Laser cutting, a hilarious sense of humor. It has holes drilled to accommodate taps from #6 to 1/2″. She used the laser cutter to created a hinged bacteria chromosome and set it to represent primer sequences to open the chromosome and insert a new gene. Welding workbench: This is a simple metalworking project. At the end of Rev. When a viewer presses one of the buttons, the corresponding location is illuminated and an informational screen pops up via Scratch to teach about that location! Math would look at volume, English at poetry, Social Studies at the economics of water control, and Science at actual conservation. MaKey MaKey, Scratch programming, 3D design and printing, with a little Lego and laser cutting for pizzazz. But this year blew it out of the water. The Makings of a Makerspace: Three Examples, Rethinking Assessment to Meet the Demands of the 21st Century Workforce, EdTech 10: It’s all About Scale, Progress and Knowledge, See it to be it: The power of mentorship and entrepreneurship, Support STEM Education Through Student-Centered Challenges, It’s Not About The Grade, It’s About the Growth: 5 New Mindsets for Hybrid Assessment, 4 Strategies to Support Students with Learning Differences in the COVID-19 Educational Landscape, Your Students can be Makers: 16 Projects Invented by Teachers | educatrip, 50% more girls… – Engineering for Girls K-12.

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