While we understand this attraction to skin products containing soy-derived ingredients – soy can have undesirable effects on your skin. Soy is associated with reducing the visible effects of skin aging, both when consumed as part of a healthy diet, and when used as a moisturizing ingredient in skin care products. Even so, we do not recommend it. Especially, soy is naturally rich in protein, fiber, essential fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins. For example, soybean oil is a rich source of linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, and offers antioxidant nutrients that are helpful in maintaining healthy skin. In this article, VKool.com will show you top 13 benefits of soy milk for skin and health. Because of its nutritional profile, it can … A little goes a long way. Our premium collection is designed to reveal a smoother, radiant and more youthful complexion. Soy is one of the best actives for aging skin and does not exert any hormonal effects or affect the body internally. These nutrients offer energy and maintain the body functioning at its maximum level. On balance, soy has effects that are good for acne. “The protein increases collagen synthesis, which contributes to the firmness, tone, and texture of the skin,” says clinical nutritionist Alison Held, MS. Soy’s fiber helps maintain normal blood-sugar levels, proven to have a positive impact on skin health, and soy isoflavones fight off skin … Soy is considered by many to be a more natural “organic” ingredient. Some experts claim soy is safe or no harm to your baby. Surprisingly, traces of soy are relatively common in both makeup and skin care, and it makes particular sense to be careful about the ingredient if you’ve got other allergies. Soy is also taken by mouth and applied to the skin as a medicine. So, adding soy-heavy foods like tofu and soy milk to your diet can help diminish signs of dullness and wrinkles, creating a smoother, more youthful-looking appearance. Soy contains antioxidant compounds known as isoflavones, which may play an important role in reducing the appearance of skin aging. Besides, soy milk has a lot of benefits for skin as well as health. Soy allergies are fairly common, and food allergies can cause skin problems. Soy allergy/sensitivity is probably the reason it causes acne for some people.

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