The imperfect tense can be tricky. Many students have trouble knowing when to use the preterite tense or the imperfect tense, as they both refer to actions in the past.There are several general rules you can follow to know when to use one tense or another. Spanish Verb Conjugation: yo volvía, tú volvías, él / Ud.… tense - Spanish has a rich tense system, having present, preterite (past), imperfect (akin to past frequentative), pluperfect (a verb tense that is used to refer to something that occurred earlier than the time being considered, when the time being considered is in the past), future “El pretérito perfecto” refers to actions in the past that have already been completed such as “Trabajé ahí” (I worked there). It is also used for descriptions, states of being, and for providing background information about the past. For instance, when looking at the sentence - Yo corría los sábados. Imperfect Tense Conjugation of sufrir – Imperfecto (de indicativo) de sufrir. One of the trickiest tenses to learn in Spanish is the Imperfect (or el imperfecto).Although its conjugations are relatively straightforward, its use can be complicated. In this post, we are going to simplify Imperfect past tense Spanish, and how to finally stop confusing it with the preterite (simple past) tense. Spanish Verb Conjugation: yo aprendía, tú aprendías, él / Ud.… Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. When we have an imperfect sentence, we can translate it several ways. One reason for the complexity is the Imperfect tense, as it’s used in Spanish, does not really exist in English. Forms. The imperfect (imperfecto) is one of the two simple past tenses in Spanish. It’s normal for the Spanish Imperfect tense to cause confusion for anyone learning Spanish. Imperfect Tense Conjugation of aprender – Imperfecto (de indicativo) de aprender. The past tense in Spanish has two basic forms: “El pretérito perfecto” and “El pretérito imperfecto”. Imperfect Tense Conjugation of volver – Imperfecto (de indicativo) de volver. NOTE: "dormir" and "querer" are irregular verbs but they have regular conjugation for the imperfect tense. The Imperfect Tense is one of two ways to talk about events that happened in the past in Spanish. Of the main three Spanish past tenses, the Spanish past imperfect can be the most problematic for Spanish students. Summary of 'imperfect' endings. Spanish Verb Conjugation: yo sufría, tú sufrías, él / Ud.… Start studying Spanish imperfect tense. Additionally, many Spanish phrases tend to be used only with the preterite or only with the imperfect, so memorizing them is very helpful! The imperfect is used to: describe repeated, habitual, or usual actions in the past; describe actions that were ongoing in the past; describe what things were like in the past; describe time and people's ages in the past; For example: It is used for ongoing or recurrent actions in the past. After all, there are several different ways to speak about the past in Spanish – and knowing how to use each one takes some getting used to.. Next, we have a table for you with all of the first, second and third person conjugations of regular verbs in the imperfect indicative.

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