Titanium, chromium and even sapphires or rubies can scratch glass, while aluminum or a butter knife blade may not. Titanium: 6; Hardened steel: 7-8; Tungsten: 7.5; Tungsten carbide: 8.5-9; Why It Is Important to Know the Hardness of Metals . High wear resistance or scratch resistance (Mohs hardness), which is of Titanium 6, of steel 4 and of aluminum 3 (scale 0-10). Hardness - Both titanium and tungsten carbide are considerably harder than precious metals like gold and platinum. Mohssche Härteskala, Mohs-Härte, Ritzhärte, von F. Mohs 1822 in die Mineralogie eingeführte und heute noch übliche und zweckmäßige Härtebestimmungsmethode nach zehn Härtegraden, nach der jeder Härtegrad durch ein häufig vorkommendes Mineral vertreten wird.Jedes in dieser Härteskala eingeordnete Mineral ( Tab.) When the German geologist Friedrich Mohs devised the scale of hardness that we use today, he used a simple principle to determine the grade for each material: Which materials can scratch it, and which materials it can scratch. ritzt die vorangehenden und wird selbst von den nachfolgenden geritzt. This deficiency allowed newly developed simulants a place in the market. However, tungsten carbide is one of the hardest materials in existence and substantially harder than titanium, registering a 9 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness (compared to titanium’s score of 6). For example, the pigment particles can etch glass fibers and greatly reduce the tensile strength of glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic blends and alloys. Synthetic Iron Oxide Reds The synthetic iron oxide red pigments are based on Fe 2 O 3 chemistry. Titanium has the highest strength/weight ratio of all industrial metals. What does Mohs hardness mean? It has a hardness of 5.5 -- low enough that contact with many common objects could result in a scratch or a damaged facet edge. Strontium titanate does not have the hardness and toughness of diamond, and that was a problem. Corrosion resistant to thin, tough oxide skin without weak spots and very resistant to slit and tension corrosion. Both crystal forms of titania, rutile and anatase, have a high Mohs hardness rating and are abrasive. Mohs hardness, rough measure of the resistance of a smooth surface to scratching or abrasion, expressed in terms of a scale devised (1812) by the German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs.

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