4. “Why do pianos cost so much?” Well, there are many reasons a piano costs what it does, but here are a few of the main ones for you to be aware of. Pianos of all brands and reasons have sold for multiple thousands of dollars, even in the millions. If you have ever wondered what the most expensive ones are, keep reading to learn about the ten most expensive pianos in the world. Why We Liked It - With so many features, such a little price tag the Casio CTK2400 61- Key Portable Keyboard is almost impossible to pass up. Thats a silly question to ask. Digital pianos are so expensive for beginners because they use a lot of technology to emulate instruments costing up to 100 times its value. because there name brand. For some companies, they should represent the equivalent of owning a piano, a beautiful A piano is made of many parts, up to over 12,000 in grand pianos, and most of those parts are made of select woods suited to the exact job of that particular part. just do your research. And so, for imaginary purposes, we’ve concocted a list of the world’s most expensive pianos you can buy when you’re so rich that you use Benjamin Franklin’s face as a tissue. We’ve decided to divide this list into two , because pianos that are this fabulous, valuable and glam need a spotlight of their own and can’t afford to share too much of the limelight with others. Over 2.9 million posts about pianos, digital pianos, and all types of keyboard instruments Join the World's Largest Community of Piano Lovers (it's free) It's Fun to … A Steinway is so expensive that it costs more than a car...so what makes them that expensive? pianos expensive 1 0 maria 1 decade ago To me Pianos are so expensive because its one of the most wonderful instruments and because it can bring lots of joy to the families friends and others.

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