Sapling. Comparison of Dawn Redwood, Coast Redwood, and Giant Sequoia. Plant in full sun. Metasequoia glyptostroboide - The Dawn Redwood is the only tree of its kind that had the strength and growing power to survive after nearly 70 million years! Though dawn redwood is a little smaller and easier to work with than coast redwood, everything is relative. My father planted a dawn redwood "sapling" about 40 years ago at our house in suburban Detroit. Today, this gorgeous tree is over 60 feet tall, dwarfing everthing else in the neighborhood. About a mile and a half away, two Dawn redwood grow in the front yard of a house, giving the home the look of a cottage in a fairy tale. Reaching heights greater than 365 feet, the magnificent Coast Redwood is not only the planet's tallest tree, but also one of the world's most long-lived, with life-spans of more than 2,000 years. They still grow naturally straight as a pole, with very little taper. Just plant it, water it and stand back to watch it grow 3-6' a year with no spraying, fertilizing, pruning or cutting. Metasequoia glyptostroboides From NPS "The Giant Sequoia of the Sierra Nevada" updated 2007 The nearest Dawn redwood that I know of is about 1.2 a mile away, grown by some other Dawn redwood besotted fool - only theirs' is in the front yard. If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out anytime. Planting Seed:  We have a video demonstration here.Watering: I like to keep my pots in a container with an inch of water. This way the soil absorbs the water as it needs. Zones 4-8. Positive: On Jun 5, 2010, eofe from Bar Harbor, ME wrote: Purchase a dawn redwood tree sapling to grow as an ornamental plant in large pots or in the ground. Its needle-like foliage appears evergreen in the summer before turning deep gold to orange-brown in the fall. Fossil records also indicate that the species is among the most ancient of … Dawn Redwood Tips Below are the list of tips we typically cover with most people who call or email. It is extremely hardy, having survived drought and wet summers, with no extreme measures taken. Ships in 45 mm pot. You can also train them into bonsai. Dawn redwood … Flourishes in almost any soil or climate. From Chaney 1950; Munz 1959; Stebbins 1948. The first two grow very large, especially in their native habitats (California). The first question I would ask you is: “what species of redwood sapling?” There are three: Coast Redwood, Giant Sequoia, and Dawn Redwood. Growing 3-4' annually, it reaches a mature height of 70-100'. (Metasequoia Glyptostroboides). This fast-growing deciduous tree is a popular ornamental.

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